A Few Hours Later

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Lindsey left in the early hours of the morning. He and Stevie had spent their time together as they had done before they were a couple; they watched movies, listened to records and, to add a new activity to an old routine, they looked through Stevie’s journals. The only thing they did that gave them a ‘married couple’ feel was the fact they sat close at all times, snuggled up when watching endless old movies and the occasional kiss when they read something that made them both smile.

Lindsey looked up at the dark sky. “How did it get so late?” He asked. “Early. It’s 2AM Linds. Christopher and the gang must have gotten an hotel room, sneaky things.” Stevie said to him. Lindsey turned around and smiled down at her. “Will we ever be fully okay, Steph?” He asked, caressing her cheek. Stevie grasped his hand and kissed it. “We’re doing better now. Better than before. I’m clean, you’re single; what’s is there to stand in our way?” Lindsey raised an eyebrow. “What’re you saying?” He asked. Stevie planted another small kiss on Lindsey’s lips. “I’m saying I want us to rebuild our relationship. I want to be able to trust you again. Like I did when it was just us; when it was just Buckingham Nicks and there was no Fleetwood Mac.” Lindsey nodded and kissed Stevie forehead. “I’ll see you later, yeah?” He asked as they made their way to his car. Stevie nodded. “Sure. I’ll see you at lunch.” They kissed each other goodbye and Stevie waved as Lindsey sped off into the slowly lightening world.

Stevie stood in her long robe, her wet hair hidden under a towel, in her huge walk in closet when she heard her houseguests returning. “Hello? Stevie?” “I’m up here, Lori!” Stevie shouted down to her sister-in-law. Lori appeared a few seconds later, a huge smile plastered on her face. “So… How’d it go?” She asked, eager to find out how Stevie’s meeting with Lindsey had played out. “How do you think it went? I’m standing here, looking for a nice outfit to wear to dinner. I don’t ever go out!” Lori giggled and gave Stevie a big hug. “I knew it would work out!” Stevie shook her head. “One of these days, Lori. I’m gonna get you back.” “You’ll be thanking me when you and Lindsey are back together.” Stevie rolled her eyes. “Slow down there. No one said anything about Lindsey and I getting back together.” “But, last night…” Lori trailed off, looking confused. “Lindsey and I watched old movies, listened to our favourite records and looked through my older journals. There was no sex or anything of that nature.” Lori stood back and examined Stevie. “You’re lying.” She stated. Stevie stared at her. “I am not!” She exclaimed. “You are. The corners of your mouth twitch when you lie about Lindsey.” Stevie looked back at her clothes. “We kissed, that’s it. And it was only little pecks.” Lori squealed. Christopher suddenly appeared by the closet door. “I thought someone was being murdered up hear, the amount of noise you two are making.” Christopher said, leaning against the doorframe. “Shut up. We don't make that much noise.” She said, turning back to one of her hundreds of black dresses. “Anyway, what’s all the fuss about? You never go out, Stevie. What’s the big occasion?” He asked. Lori grinned at her husband. “Stevie has a date.” Christopher grinned at his sister. “Oo. With who?” “With Lindsey. And it’s not a date. Jesus Christ, you two are treating me like a teenager! And I'm older than both of you!” Stevie said. Lori and Christopher apologised. “Well, darling, you’d better go. I have to help Stevie get ready.” Stevie smiled as she watched two of her favourite people kissed each other goodbye. Lori turned to face Stevie once more. “Right Ms Nicks. Let’s make you look so sexy that Lindsey can’t resist you!” The two women laughed and started looking through Stevie’s wardrobe again.

Lindsey pulled up outside the restaurant, parking his car by the door. “He walked inside, greeting the host. “Mr Buckingham, what a pleasure. Your lady friend, Ms Nicks, just arrived two minutes ago.” The host informed Lindsey as they walked to the private table Lindsey had booked. Lindsey’s eyes widened when he finally saw Stevie. Just by looking at her, you’d never be able to know that she was almost 46-years-old and had been a drug addict for the last 20 years of her life. She positively glowed under the gentle lights of the 5-star restaurant Lindsey had chosen for them to have dinner in. She looked so young too, like she was only in her early 30s. Her skin look so clear, like porcelain. She wore a long, red dress, with thin straps and a slightly plunging neckline, which showed enough of her womanhood to keep her respectable. Over the dress, drapped one of her statement shawls, red to match her dess. On her feet, she wore a pair of her famous platform boots; even Stevie couldn’t give up the height they gave her small stature. Her long blonde hair was straight and went right down her back, framing and caressing her face softly. Lindsey took care not to notice her slight weight gain, because it didn’t matter to him; Stevie was beautiful at any size. And her gorgeous dress brought out the beauty in her even more. As he got closer, Stevie spotted him and smiled nervously. “Ms Nicks, Mr Buckingham has arrived.” The host announced. Once Lindsey had sat down and ordered a drink, the host left the two of them alone. Lindsey looked at Stevie. “I hate him so much.” He whispered. “Me too.” Stevie agreed. They giggled like naughty children. Sighing, Lindsey leant back in his chair. “Hello there.” He said, finally greeting her properly. “Hello Mr Buckingham.” Stevie said seductively, leaning forward slightly. Lindsey smirked and leaned forward also. “Do you know why I asked for this particular private booth?” Lindsey asked her. “Because you’re Lindsey Buckingham and you can do whatever the fuck you like?” Stevie asked, smiling as Lindsey laughed at her forwardness. “Well yes. But there is an actual reason.” Lindsey leant forward and whispered in Stevie ear. “No one can see us here. There aren’t any windows and there aren’t any security cameras.” Stevie eyes widened and she smiled teasingly. “Well, in that case. Let me do something I’ve been dying to do since you arrived, Mr Buckingham.” Stevie put her hand on the back of Lindsey’s head and pulled his gently forward. She kissed him, with such passion that Lindsey had no choice but to respond. Someone cleared their throat and the kiss ended. Lindsey and Stevie giggled as a rather embarrassed waiter asked to take their order.

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