An Hour Later

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Stevie looked anxiously out of the car window into the dark night, wishing that her driver would hit the gas and make time go by faster. Hundreds of thoughts whizzed around her mind, filling her with fear. She worried for Lindsey; she of all people knew that he didn’t cope well with breakups. Finally, the driver pulled up outside Lindsey’s house. “Ms Nicks, the gates are open.” “Drive up onto his driveway.” Stevie said quickly. “Yes, Ms Nicks.” The driver drove up further, parking outside Lindsey’s front door. “Wait here. I don’t know how long I’ll be. I’ll give you the signal if you can leave.” Stevie instructed. She got out of the car quickly, almost running to the front door. She knocked calmly at first. When no one answered, she knocked louder. “Lindsey! Linds, it’s me! It’s Stevie!” She yelled at the house. Eventually, she tried the doorknob; the door was unlocked. Stevie poked her head around the door. She spotted a dark figure sitting on a couch in the nearby living room. “Lindsey?” She asked, walking into the dark house. “Stevie?” A whispery voice answered. Stevie sighed. Shutting the door behind her, she walked into the living room. Lindsey was sat, crossed legged, in the centre of the three seated couch. “Lindsey? Are you okay?” Stevie asked. She could barely see him; the only light in the room was a single lit candle on a nearby table. She perched on the coffee table in front of Lindsey. Resting a hand on one of his knees, she watched as his icy blue eyes shot down to look at her. “Stevie…” “Yea?” She watched in despair as Lindsey’s handsome face creased in emotional pain and he started to sob. “Stevie… She left me. Carol left me.” His sobs became a fully blown shower of tears. He covered his face; of all people, he didn’t want Stevie to see him like this. Stevie looked around the room, trying to think of something to say. She spotted an empty bottle of Jack Daniels and an ashtray full of used joints. ‘Great. He’s just as stoned as I am and twice as drunk.’ She thought. She looked back at Lindsey, suddenly knowing exactly what to do. “C’mon Lindsey. Get up.” She eventually managed to get him on his feet. They walked slowly up the stairs and into Lindsey’s bedroom. Stevie turned one of the bedside table lamps on and ran into the en suite. She quickly ran a bath and rushed back through to Lindsey. “C’mon Linds. Let’s get you in the tub and get you sobered up.” Lindsey replied with unintelligent groans and grumbles. “Yea, yea. I’ve heard it all before.” Stevie said, leading him into the bathroom. She managed, with much difficultly, to get him undressed and into the tub. Sighing, Stevie knew that she would have to stay there for the night. She rushed downstairs and waved her driver off. As she ran back upstairs, she pulled off her several shawls until she only wore her plain black backless dress. Folding the shawls, she placed them and her boots on the vanity bench. She walked barefoot back into the bathroom to check on Lindsey. She was pleased to see that he now seemed more awake of what was happening. He looked at her as she crouched down at the end of the tub. “Stevie…? How did you get in?” Stevie laughed under her breath. ‘Trust Lindsey to ask that first.’ She thought to herself. “The door was unlocked. I did knock. Promise.” She assured him. Lindsey felt himself slowly sobering. It would take a few hours (and a good sleep) before he was fully sober, but he was now in a state where he could function, thanks to Stevie. The two usually hostile ex-lovers sat in silence for a while before Lindsey raised his hand out of the water and held it out for Stevie to take. Stevie took his hand in hers and watched as he naturally laced his fingers around hers. She looked up at him and their eyes locked. “Thank you.” Lindsey whispered, closing his eyes and kissing her knuckles. Stevie cleared her throat and stood up, leaving Lindsey looking confused. Trying not to look at Lindsey (at any of him), she faced out of the room. “I’ll wait downstairs for you.” She said before leaving quickly. “Okay…?” Lindsey trailed off, confused.

Stevie finished lighting candles and sat in front of the newly lit fire. She heard footsteps, but didn’t turn around to welcome Lindsey into his own living room. “I love what you’ve done with my place. Very romantic.” Lindsey said jokingly, standing behind her. Stevie chuckled. “I had to keep myself busy.” “Why didn’t you go into the rain room?” Stevie kept her eyes locked on the flames. She felt Lindsey’s eyes burning into her, just like fire she so desperately wished would swallow her up. She suddenly felt the familiar strong, protective hold of Lindsey’s hands pulling her gently up. “C’mon.” He said quietly. She let him lead her into the rain room, wishing for the millionth time that she could say no to him. They stopped at the door and Stevie walked forward into the rain room. She watched in awe as it began to ‘rain’. Forgetting where she was, and who her audience was, she began to twirl. Lindsey watched in amusement and adoration as Stevie twirled round and round, a huge grin on her lips. Oh how he wanted to kiss those lips; the lips that had spat venomous words at him time and time again. But they had also uttered words of love to him; words of pure, innocent love during times when Lindsey’s world was crashing down around him. Memories filled his mind as he watched Stevie dance to an imaginary song that only she could hear. He saw the first time they met, the first time they told each other they loved each other and the first time they made love. But he couldn’t skip the bad memories, no matter how much he wanted to. He saw the fights, the cruel remarks and the betrayals. But through it all, Lindsey had never stopped loving Stevie. Even on the day she finally ended their relationship, he still felt extreme love through the extreme pain. All these memories forced him over the edge.

Stevie stopped twirling when she saw Lindsey making his way towards her. She stayed silent, waiting for the inevitable to happen. No matter how many times she told herself she didn’t want it to happen, deep down she knew it wasn’t true. The fact of the matter was simple: she wanted Lindsey and she wanted him now. That hadn’t been her first intention but when was it ever? It wasn’t her intention in 1980 or 1982 but both conversations had ended in her sleeping with Lindsey. Why should 1984 be any different? Lindsey pressed his lips eagerly to Stevie’s. Stevie quickly responded, throwing her arms around Lindsey’s neck. He undid his bathrobe, wrapping it around her and pressing his bare body against her. Keeping her lips firmly attached to his, Stevie skilfully stripped and the two of them made passionate love right there, in the middle of Lindsey’s magical rain room.

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