The Next Day

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Stevie stood in front of the stove, cooking breakfast for her and Lindsey. She sighed, thinking over the events of the last 24 hours. Lindsey had always been protective, but his actions the previous night were just ridiculous. Curry was Lindsey’s friend; he should know that Curry would never try to get into Stevie’s pants. Everyone knew not to mess with Lindsey’s lady. “Lindsey’s lady?” Stevie muttered, scoffing as she put the fried eggs onto two plates. When she’d finished cooking everything else, she put the plates on a tray and took them upstairs into the bedroom. Lindsey was still asleep, one of his arms hanging out of the bed. Stevie sighed and shook her head, a small smile creeping onto her face. The scene reminded her of the first time they’d slept together in a proper bed and not on a mattress; Lindsey had woken up in the same position he was in now. Stevie put the tray down on a nearby table and sat down by Lindsey’s side of the bed, almost mirroring his actions earlier that morning. She took hold of the arm that was dangling out of the bed in her hands. She kissed his arm, the hairs on it tickling her lips. Lindsey silently woke up and watched as Stevie held his hand to her lips and kissed his fingertips gently. “You have the loveliest lips I’ve ever kissed, Stephanie Lynn Nicks.” He whispered. Stevie looked up at him and smiled. “Morning sleepy.” She said, leaning up to kiss his lips gently. She stood up and retrieved the breakfast tray as Lindsey sat up. “Here you go.” She said, handing him the tray. Taking her own plate, she went and sat on the window seat by their large bedroom window. Lindsey sat eating, watching in confusion when she didn’t sit with him. He finished eating quickly; Stevie had barely touched hers. Lindsey stood up, pulling a pair of briefs on as he went. He stood over Stevie, playing with her hair. “Stevie… what’s going on?” Lindsey asked, though he knew exactly what was going on. Stevie started to shake; she was crying. Lindsey took the plate from her, put it on the floor and sat behind her. Pulling her back towards him, Lindsey rocked Stevie as she sobbed into his bare chest. He didn’t flinch as she hit his chest heard with her surprisingly strong little fists or when she swore at and called him every bad name under the sun. He simply held her close and rocked her. After a while, Stevie looked up at him, her face tearstained. “Lindsey… Why do you do the things you do?” She asked. Lindsey looked out of the window. “Well?” Stevie asked when Lindsey didn’t answer. “Lindsey Adams Buckingham, answer me!” He paid no attention; Lindsey’s mind was going a million miles a minute. He felt Stevie leave his grip. She knelt between his legs, her hands holding onto his thighs. “Lindsey answer me, God damn it!” Stevie screamed. It happened so fast. Stevie wasn’t a violent person. But she’d had enough. In one swift movement, her right hand had left Lindsey’s thigh and had slapped him across the face. Lindsey’s head snapped around to face Stevie, an astonished expression on his face. Stevie fell back, her hands covering her mouth in shock. After a few seconds silence, Lindsey reached up to touch his burning cheek. “Steph…?” He whispered. Stevie shook her head and ran out of the room.

Lindsey found Stevie sitting outside in the back yard, dipping her feet in the pool. He sighed and walked out towards her. “Can I sit with you?” He asked. Stevie looked up at him; he’d gotten dressed, wearing his favourite old pair of bell-bottoms and an expensive short, which he hadn’t buttoned up. She dragged her eyes away from the bare abs that still reeled her in, looking at his sunglasses-clad eyes. “Sure.” She said quietly, turning away from him again. As he began to sit down, she said, “Turn your jeans up. They’re your favourite ones; you don’t want to get them wet.” Lindsey smiled to himself and turned his bell-bottoms into three quarter shorts. Sitting next to her, Lindsey moved his feet around in the pool. They sat like this for a few minutes, thinking silently. As Lindsey looked up at the blue Californian sky, he felt something touch his hand. He looked down; Stevie’s fingers had intertwined with his. He looked at her face; she looked up at his. “I’m not sorry I did it, Lindsey.” She said. Lindsey nodded. “So I won’t say I’m sorry.” She continued. Lindsey nodded again. “You deserved it. You were a jackass last night. You’ve been a jackass quite a lot lately. And more controlling than usual.” Lindsey nodded once more. Stevie groaned. “God damn it, Lindsey! Stop nodding and say something to me!” Lindsey looked at her again. “What do you want me to say, Stevie?” He asked, trying to remain calm. Stevie groaned again. “I don’t know! I just want to know you care!” “I do care but – “ “Really? Cos it doesn’t fucking looking like it!” Lindsey shook his head as Stevie snatched her hand away. “What’s happening to us Lindsey?” “I don’t know what you mean.” Stevie scoffed. “We don’t talk anymore. I used to love talking to you. We don’t sit together anymore and just make music – “ “Well that isn’t my fault. We’re in band now, Stevie. We can’t just make music like we used to. They have to be involved as well, y’know.” Stevie looked at him. “I know that, Lindsey. I just – All we do is have sex now!” Stevie spat the word ‘sex’ out, as if it was dirty word. Lindsey noticed, but didn’t say anything, keeping his eyes straight ahead. “If we fight, we stop it by sleeping together. If we’re bored, we sleep together. If we have any problems, no matter what they, we fucking sleep together! This is no way to live, Lindsey!” Lindsey finally turned to face her. “Are you saying you don’t enjoy it?” He asked. “Well, of course I enjoy it! It is what it is! But I liked it more when it actually meant something. When you used to hold me and make me feel like I was the most important girl in the world. Now… It’s just a way to avoid our problems.” Stevie stood up, her silk dressing floating out behind her. “We’re due at the studio in an hour. Get you ass in gear. I’m going to get ready.”

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