After The Show

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The band made their way off the stage, with Christine watching Lindsey and Stevie very closely. “They’re certainly getting on well tonight, aren’t they?” John asked her, handing her a glass of wine. “Mmm.” John watched her for a minute. “Chris… What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” Christine looked at her ex-husband seriously. “Less of the pretty, okay John?” John held his hands up, a smile on his face. “Sorry. Can't blame a man for trying!” He said. He continued to watch her, the worry growing on her face. “What’s wrong, Christine?” He asked. Christine sighed and led him into an empty corner of the room. “Watch them.” She whispered, pointing to Lindsey and Stevie. John watched; he saw them touch each other tenderly on their arms; he saw the looks they exchanged; and then he saw the oblivious Carol standing nearby. John and Christine looked at each other. “Again?” John asked, sighing. Christine nodded in dismay. “I’m afraid so. I think our little American ex-lovebirds are lovebirds once more. For the third time.” “What’re are you two doing in the corner together? Is there a bit of reconciliation going on here? Bit of hanky panky?” Mick asked, joining them. Christine rolled her eyes and slapped Mick’s arm. “Eh! I was only joking! What’s wrong with her?” Mick asked John. “She – We  think Lindsey and Stevie are... Well…” John pointed slyly at them and Mick watched the scene play out again before his eyes. He looked back at them. “Better him than me... again.” Christine and John both rolled their eyes. “What? If Lindsey tells me they’re together again, I won’t get all huffy like he did with me. I’ll just say: ‘Fine, mate. Do what makes you happy’ and then leave it at that.” “No you won’t.” Christine said, taking a sip of her wine. Mick chuckled. “You’re fucking right I’ll be mad.” He said in a serious tone before the three of them went back to watching Lindsey and Stevie talking.

Stevie sat alone in her dressing room when someone knocked on the door. “Come in!” She called out. She looked up into her mirror, expecting it to be Lindsey, but surprised to find it was Christine. “Oh. Hey Chris. Wasn’t the show great tonight? I had such fun – ” “Are you and Lindsey sleeping together?” Stevie turned around to look at Christine. “What?” She asked, trying to remain calm. “Oh Stevie. Don’t give me that innocent bullshit. I know you are.” Stevie hesitantly said, “How?” Christine scoffed. “Because it’s written all over your Goddamn face! My God, you’re an idiot!” Stevie watched Christine pace back and forth across the room, lecturing her. Suddenly, Lindsey walked in the room, a surprised look on his face. “Am I interrupting something?” He asked, backing out of the door. “Nope. Get in here. Now.” Christine demanded, grabbing his shirt and pulling him back into the door. She slammed the door and dragged Lindsey over to Stevie. Lindsey sat down next to Stevie and they watched Christine begin to pace again. “Y’know, this is getting ridiculous. You broke up! That’s it. You leave it at that. You become friends, like John and I. You don’t see other people but keep sleeping with each other.” Lindsey and Stevie looked down at the floor, ashamed as they thought of Carol, who was still completely clueless to both of their affairs. “And now look at you. You look so guilty… But I’d bet anything you’re not. ‘Oh. We’re in love Chris’. Are you bollocks.” She stalked over, standing tall over them. “Look at me.” She said coldly. The two of them looked up at her, their faces holding the expression of reprimanded children. Christine sighed when she saw the sincere look of guilt on their faces. “Look you two, it’s plain and simple: you can’t do this. You just can’t. There are too many people’s feelings at stake here. You’ve both seen the heartbreak that breakups cause; both yours and my own with John caused so much pain and misery.” Christine knelt down in front of them, resting her hands on their knees. “Look, I love you two, you know I do. I’m only telling you this for your own good.” Christine smiled weakly and began walking towards the door. “But – ” Christine looked over her shoulder as Lindsey stopped talking. “But what, Lindsey?” Christine asked. “But… What if this time is different?” Christine turned around and leant against the door, her arms folded in front of her chest. “Different how?” Lindsey looked her straight in the eyes. “What if… We’re in love this time?” Both Christine and Stevie looked at Lindsey in shock. As Christine and Lindsey continued to stare at each other, Stevie’s mind was going a million miles a second. ‘Love? He actually loves me? Again?’ Stevie thought. She watched as Lindsey’s hand reached for hers and his fingers intertwined with hers. Christine was about to speak when Stevie suddenly stood up, ripping her hand from Lindsey’s grip. “No.” She whispered. Lindsey stood up and he and Christine walked towards Stevie. “What do you mean ‘no’?” Lindsey asked, knowing the answer would surely break his heart. “No! No means no Lindsey! Goddamn it! You always fucking do this!” Christine and Lindsey looked at each other as Stevie covered her face with her hands and turned away from them. “It’s been two fucking weeks Lindsey. Two fucking weeks! And you’re basically already telling people we’re back together.” “Aren’t we?” Lindsey asked quietly. Stevie whipped round, her eyes brimming with tears; tears of anger and hurt. “No! We start an affair, even though you were mine first, and all of a sudden we’re a couple again! You’re still with Carol! It doesn’t work like that! You dump her first before you start informing people we’re together again. You always fucking do this!” “Do what?” Lindsey asked, his own anger peaking. “You always fucking rushed me! This is why we broke up in the first place! You’re obsessive, you’re pushy and you don’t fucking listen!” As he listened to the words coming from Stevie’s lips, Lindsey began to see red. Without warning, his fist collided with Stevie’s cheek, the force knocking her to the floor. Christine ran over to Stevie, who lay sobbing, her hand over her bright red cheek. The red lifted from Lindsey’s eyes and he realized what he had done. “Oh my… Stevie are you okay?” “No!” Christine screamed, her own anger now way above theirs. “You stay the fuck away from her, Lindsey!” She turned away from him, soothing Stevie. “Chris, I – ” Christine looked at him, her eyes narrowing. “Go back to your girlfriend, Lindsey. This conversation is over.” She said in an unfriendly tone. Lindsey walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Tears spilled from his eyes as he walked briskly down the hall. Mick appeared out of nowhere, causing Lindsey to stop. “Lindsey? Lindsey, old chap, what’s wrong?” Lindsey shook his head. “I – I have to go.” He pushed past Mick. “Where’re you going? What should tell Carol?” “Tell her whatever the fuck you like! I’m done with this shit! I need a break!” Mick stood helplessly as he watched Lindsey run away, leave through the fire exit at the end of the hall and disappear into the dark night.

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