New Years Eve, 1974

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Stevie nodded her head to the mix tape that Keith had made them of their favorite Fleetwood Mac songs. After scraping together all their money and buying Fleetwood Mac’s entire existing discography, Stevie had come to a conclusion. “Linds, I think we can bring something to this band.” She’d told Lindsey a few days after her had told her about the offer from Mick Fleetwood. “You do?” Lindsey asked, picking a French fry from her plate. They had been sat in a diner, eating the cheapest meal they could afford. Stevie nodded, ignoring his wandering hand on her plate. “Yea. Their music is really bluesy. We’re more rock. We could bring a lot to them. Together, we’ll sound amazing.” That night they had decided that Lindsey would call Mick the next day and tell him they accepted the invite to join.

Stevie and Lindsey walked hand in hand into the diner where they were meeting Mick and his bandmates. Lindsey spotted Mick immediately. Mick waved at them, motioning for them to come over. “Here we go. Ready, Steph?” Lindsey asked. Stevie squeezed his hand. He lifted their hands and kissed hers. “Don’t be nervous.” He whispered as they walked towards Fleetwood Mac. “You didn’t tell me there was another girl!” Stevie hissed, her nerves growing. They reached the booth before Lindsey could answer. Sitting beside Mick was another man and a woman. The man looked a little shorter than Mick, with longish hair covered by a hat and he had a short beard. The woman looked a little older than Stevie; she had shoulder length blonde hair and a very elegant look about her. “Lindsey! So glad you could make it. This must be Stevie?” Mick stood up, towering over Stevie even more than Lindsey already did. “Hey. Nick to meet you.” Stevie said, holding out her hand for Mick to shake. Once he had shaken it, he sat back down. Lindsey and Stevie slid into the opposite side of the booth. “Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks, I’d like to introduce you to John and Christine McVie. They’re the old married couple of the band.” “Speak for yourself, mate. You’re married too.” John McVie shot back, in his own English accent. Christine let out a cackle. “He’s got you there, Darling.” She said to Mick; she too was English. Christine turned her eyes on Stevie. “So, Stevie, are you and Lindsey together?” She asked, leaning forward slightly. “Yes ma’am. We’ve been in a relationship since 1971.” Stevie replied. Lindsey comfortingly rubbed Stevie’s hand with his thumb, trying to calm her nerves. It seemed that she want to be a part of this band just as much as he did. Christine chuckled. “Did you just call me ‘ma’am’? Please, Stevie. You would call my mother ‘ma’am’. Call me Christine or Chris.” Stevie smiled timidly. “Okay… Christine.” Christine grinned at Stevie, reaching forward to pat Stevie’s free hand. “Boys, why don’t you take Lindsey to the bar while Stevie and I get to know each other?” Stevie nodded. She stood up so Lindsey could leave the booth. She squeezed his hand. “Don’t be too long.” She begged, looking up at him with wide eyes. He smiled, cupping and caressing her cheek with the thumb of his free hand. “You’ll be fine. But seriously, Steph, you and Christine need to get along. Or us being in the band won’t work out.” Stevie nodded, trying to smile. Lindsey kissed her forehead and walked towards the bar with Mick and John. Stevie sat back down opposite Christine. “Are you scared of me or something?” Christine asked. Stevie shook her head. “No. I’m just really nervous.” “But why?” “Because Lindsey and I really want to be in your band. I’m sick of living the way we do, not knowing if we’ll have to use whatever money we have to buy the rent and go without food… but I don’t want to give up my music.” Christine nodded as Stevie frantically talked. When she finished, Christine smiled. “I like you.” She said. Stevie’s eyes widened. “You do?” She asked, suddenly hopeful. Christine nodded. “I do. You’re passionate about the things you love, wither it’s your music or Lindsey.” Stevie blushed. “I’m not usually this clingy.” She said quietly. Christine laughed. “I’m not usually clingy either! But since Mick told us about you two, I haven’t let John out of my sight. I hope he doesn’t except it to carry on like this.” The two women laughed together. “I hope Linds doesn’t expect me to carry on seducing him every night either!” They laughed harder as the three men walk back over to join them. “What’s so funny, ladies?” John asked, which made their laughter continue. “Girls, c’mon. What’s the joke?” Lindsey asked, setting down two drinks for him and Stevie. At the sound of Lindsey’s voice, Stevie and Christine erupted into an even louder laughing fit. “Women; doesn’t matter what side of the Atlantic they’re from, they’re all the same.” Mick said, as the three men sat down. After Stevie and Christine had calmed down, the five new friends looked at each other. “Mick Darling, would you do the honors?” Christine asked, beaming at Stevie. “Of course, Christine Dear.” Mick said before turning to face the two Americans sat before him. “Lindsey, Stevie; will you join our Fleetwood Mac family?”

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