I hope they don't kill each other

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masquerade ball

Severus POV

We sat in silence she looked a bit pale. I assume she still isn't feeling well knowing her she won't admit it. I still can't believe that she is a one of the pure bloods. If anyone found out what she truly is they would do anything to be with her. I really need to figure what I am going to do with this information. Now that I know I must protect her there is no question about it. I need her to stop being around Potter he attracts danger.

"Severus is everything alright?" she asked me looking at me worried

"Yes" I lied

"There is something troubling you. I can tell but I will not press on the issue because I know you won't tell me if Ibother you about it."

She amazes me sometimes with the things she says. I know though I can not tell Elizabeth the truth. I must protect her she is more important then even Potter is. If the Dark Lord finds out what she is I am afraid what might happen to her. Especially, if he does rise again and finds out she is my bride to be. He will certainly use that to his advantage. I still don't understand why Trinity is trusting me with something of this importance.

"I really wish I didn't have to do this stupid ball." she whinnied

"You don't like having all the attention on you?" I asked

"No I don't it's actually very annoying. Especially, when I'm forced to dance with idiot boys that don't know where to keep there hands." when she said that my blood boiled but I tried to ignore it.

Before I could ask her any more questions a girl with red hair pushed me out of the way. I glared at her who the hell was this brat that just pushed me. I still couldn't see her face but she jumped on Elizabeth hugging her.

"Hello, to you to Bella can you let go of me. Your crushing me with your hug." she giggled

"What the bloody hell happened to you! As soon as I heard you were in trouble I left my college in Los Angeles and came to see you!" the red devil hair screamed

"You always over react Bella I am okay don't worry." she bloody knows she's not okay but yet she still stay strong in-front of everyone. Foolish girl.

Th red hair turned to stare at me I almost stopped breathing. She looked almost like Lily instead her eyes are brown. My heart felt like it stopped. Elizabeth seemed to notice my shocked expression.

"Who's the old geazer?" the girl that looked like Lily asked. lizabeth slapped her on the arm. "Ow! Bloody hell Lizzie you have a strong hit."

"DOn't call my future-" Elizabeth covered her mouth before she let anymore slip.

"Your future what??" she glared daggers at me.

"Bella listen to me it's under grandmother wishes that I... marry him"

Elizabeth POV

Bella's mouth looked like it was going to drop on floor. I grabbed my pillow and put on y ears ready to hear the screaming. She screamed so loudly like she was being killed. I saw Severus cover his ears I should of warned him to cover his ears in first place. Once she was done I took the pillow off my head.

"YOU SCREAM LIKE A BLOODY BANSHEE!!!" Severus screamed at Bella


"Both of you stop this nonsense at once!" I screamed

They both were still glaring at each other. Then there heads slowly turned to me. Bella has always thought of me as her little sister ever since my sister betrayal towards our family. She has tried to taken care of me even when she didn't have too. She is extremely over protective though.

"Oh my what is all this screaming about." we all turned our heads to see a smirking Sebastian. Bella ran up to him with anger in her eyes.

"Did you know about this!" she screamed at Sebastian

"Yes I did. Excuse me Bella for saying this but did you brush your teeth this morning. It smells horrible." Bella turned bright red. Severus and Sebastian both chuckled.

"You asshole!" she ran out of room

"Sebastian!" I glared at him

"She always ask me be honest with her. Now I decided to be honest." he smirked

"Go apologize to her this instant"

"Of course I will Lizzie. I just came to tell you all lunch is served." he grinned then walked away.

"That woman is insane. I think I actually might get a long with Sebastian if he is able get that Banshee off my back." he smirked

"Stop calling my cousin a banshee" I glared at him

" When she stops acting like one I will stop calling her one." he rolled his eyes

"Oh Merlin this is going to be a long couple of days." I sighed and slowly got off the bed.

Severus grabbed a hold of my hand. I looked at him strangely.

"Put your weight on me I don't need you falling down because your still weak. Your grandmother would murder me if I let that happen." I leaned my body towards him

"And here I was thinking you were going soft on me." I smiled

"In your dreams." He sneered

"How did you know I dream about you." I smirked

If I didn't know better I swear I saw him blush. I like being able to see emotions other people don't see out of Severus. Now I just hope that we survive this ball and no one tries to kill each other. I sighed. Well I'll just have to hope for the best.


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