is this a date???

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(sorry it's been taking m forever. Just work, school,family, and friends have been taking lots of my time. I have missed being able write in peace. hahaha well hope you guys like it.) :)

We walked towards a very nice restaurant. Why in the world did he tell me dress casual? Seriously there were woman wearing such nice elegant dresses, fancy jewelry, and all there hairs look perfect. Damn you Snape! When we got to front we saw a very chubby woman,with  black hair, loads of make up on, a white dress that have flowers on bottom, and she did have very sweet smile on her face.

"Severus I am so happy to see you. When you asked for a table of two I was extremely surprised. Since I know you like to eat alone so much." She went up to and gave him a huge hug.

He looked extremely annoyed by this but I couldn't help but giggle. When she let go of him and then looked at  me she looked extremely shocked. She was probably thinking I look horrible right now.

"Claire this is-" Snape was cut off by her though

"Oh my goodness you are Channel's daughter! That mean's you are a Williams. Oh my Severus why didn't you tell me royalty was coming to my restaurant!" she squealed and sort of screamed the last part. My cheeks turned red and everyone stared at us. Just perfect I didn't want this attention on me right now.

"Yes I am a Williams. My name is Elizabeth Anastasia Williams. It is very nice to meet you" I curtseyed and smiled. I probably looked horrible I am going scream at Snape for this.

"Oh my the honor is all mine! I will have my daughter put you in one of her dresses! We will fix you up and make you look truly amazing for this date! Who knew Severus could get such a young gorgeous girl." She screamed everything she was saying except the last part. My cheeks are so red at this point.

"Thank you." I said still blushing

"Willow!" she screamed then a woman that was skinny, has black hair, and wearing a black strapless dress came towards us.

"Yes mother" she said

"I want you to let Miss Williams borrow one of your dresses for the night." her daughter looked at me up and down with smile.

"Understood mother." she grabbed my hand and then took me upstairs. I was biting my lip because I was a bit worried about all of this. I really hope they don't make me look hideous.

Severus POV

Why did Claire have to make such a big deal out of this? I am actually hungry and want to start eating but since Willow took Elizabeth upstairs I have to wait. It has nearly been an hour! What the bloody hell is taking them so long ?!?!

"Claire can I have a glass of wine?" I asked her she nodded her head with a smile.

"Of course Severus I still can not believe you didn't warn me a head of time." she giggled I shook my head.

"She is just a child we are here as acquaintances." I told her she rolled her eyes she laughed.

"Whatever you say Severus. I will bring you your wine right now." she walked away into the kitchen.

Why do people not understand there is nothing between us?!?! I should of just taken her to park instead of here. If  I knew Claire was going act like this. When I was child and I wanted to get away from my mother and father. Claire would always let me help with her restaurant. As I grew up I would let Lily come with me as well. We had many good laughs here... Then I heard someone clear there throat I saw Willow smiling at me.

"What bloody hell took you so long? Where is Elizabeth." I sneered Willow rolled her eyes.

"Come on out Elizabeth." I saw Elizabeth come forwards towards me. I was shocked looked so beautiful in her red dress. She had a bit of make up on but no to much. Her gorgeous breath taking smile was on her face. Her hair is in curls she looked so gorgeous.

i hate you, you hate me, but we cant live without each other(snape love story)Where stories live. Discover now