Chapter 20

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"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday to you!" Our friends sing.


"Happy sweet sixteen baby," Dad says. Mum comes and gives me a kiss on the cheek and Haz high fives me. "16! WHOOP! WHOOP!"


I smile and Maeve forces a present into my hand. "Open it!"


I glance around for Haz. "What about Harry? It's his birthday too."


Maeve just rolls her eyes. "He already opened his. All of them." Oh. Yeah....sounds like Hazza.


I shrug and open it. It's a guitar. Oh Maeve. "Maeve.." I whisper. "How did you even..? How did you know?"


She just gives me a knowing smile. "Lets get some cake."


Harry cuts us each a slice of cake but as we are about to eat, my favourite song comes on. "Let's dance!"


I drag Maeve to the 'dance floor' and we pull our killer moves. Well, the chicken dance. Which everyone knows is as cool as it gets.



I jolt awake and throw my alarm clock across the room.

After stretching (making my body look like I'm possessed), I get up out of bed and find my alarm clock in pieces on the floor. Whoops. Guess I threw it too hard.

Not bothering to get dressed, I head downstairs into the living room where five boys sit. One if them is Harry, one is Niall, and the other three, I'm assuming are Harry's friends. Well, what a nice first impression. I'm sure I look damn sexy in my Whinnie the pooh pajamas.

"Skylar!" Niall yells.

"Niall!" I yell. "Why are we yelling?"

"I don't know!" He yells back.

"SHUT UP!!!" Harry screams.

"Morning Haz!" I yell, making a point of ignoring him.

He doesn't answer.

"Harry who are these funny looking people and what are they doing in our house at 9:00AM?" I ask.

"These are my friends. Liam, Louis, and Zayn." He explains.

"Okay. Well Ima go get me some breakfast."

"Aren't you going to ask if any of us are hungry?" Louis asks.

I think for a moment. "Nope."

Some of the boys laugh, but Louis pouts.

I come back into the living room a few minutes later with a bowl of vanilla yogurt and fruit. I also bring five cereal bars. I toss the bars at each person in the room. Zayn, Niall and Liam catch theirs, Harry's falls behind the couch, and Louis gets hit in the face.

"That was mean," He says.

"How was that mean?" I question. "Enlighten me."

"You threw it at my face."

"I did not. I threw it in your general direction and you missed it. It then proceeded to hit you in the face. That is in no way to be considered mean." I counter.

Louis, apparently at a loss for witty remarks, just sticks his tongue out at me.

"So you don't remember us?" Louis says after a while. "Because its pretty hard to forget my hot face."

"No clue who you are," I say, "Although I got a bit of my memory back."

"That's great sis!" Haz exclaims. "What did you remember?"

"Everything till our sweet sixteen," I tell him.

"Well that's progress," Liam acknowledges. "Good progress."

I nod in agreement. "Its coming. Slowly, but it is."

"Who's up for a game of COD?" Zayn asks.

"That's a video game right?"


Harry smirks. "You used to kick my ass but it looks like you don't remember how to play."

"Enjoy it while it lasts Haz, cause it won't be long till I kick your sorry ass again."

"Oh you're on."



Really short, but its up. Sorry for the wait.

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