Chapter 5

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A/N edited. Feel free to point out any further mistakes.



After I change out of my wet clothes and into a dry pair of shorts and a tanktop I head back downstairs to find Maeve.

I find her sitting on the couch with the guys. Damn she's a traitor too.

Hearing me come down the stairs, she yells, "Come join us! We're playing truth or dare." Uh oh. Truth or Dare with my brother doesn't sound good. I might end up licking his sock or something. Eww.

My mouth has other ideas then my brain. "Sure be right there!" Traitor. (What's with all the traitors? I'm too fabulous for them. Must be it.) Maybe I should just eat some really gross stuff and make my mouth suffer. But that would be mean to my poor tummy. Omg I'm having an argument with myself. I must be nutzo.


"Truth or Dare?" Louis asks Zayn. We have been playing for a while and nothing too bad has happened.


"Do you have a crush, if yes who?"

We all laugh. "Lou you just wasted a question!" Harry says.

"No!" Jimmy protested. Oops I mean Louis. "I didn't!"

"Whatever," Harry sighs. "Zayn answer the question."

"OK then," Zayn says, "yes I have a crush on my girlfriend."

We all look at Louis as his face turns bright red. "Oops"he mutters.

"OK!" Harry says, sounding a bit evil. "Time to make these harder." Oh gosh I'm scared.

"Let me try again!" Louis says. "Skylar. Truth or Dare?"

"Umm...Dare?" I say, making it sound like a question.

"Perfect!" He says. I don't know if I imagined it or not but I swear something evil gleamed in his eye. Maybe him and Haz are planning something.....

"Skylar,I dare you to-" Louis says and then stops abruptly when the doorbell rings.

I am about to get up and get it when Niall jumps up like the speed of light. "Pizzaaaaa!!!!!!!!" He yells, racing to the door.

"Pizza?!" I demand. "Give me pizza!"

I run after Niall and get to him just as he closes the door. He has several boxes in his hands. Without thinking I grab as many as I can and bolt up to my room, giggling all the way.

I hear him shout after me to bring his beloved pizza back but this is his revenge for throwing me in the pool. Well that and the fact that I'm hungry and I love food.

Deciding to be nice, I text Maeve to come up to my room. Right after the text sends, I hide the pizza in my closet. One can never be too safe when it comes to food.

I go back to my phone and see that I have a text from Maeve that she'll be right up.

Then there's a knock on the door. I open it up, just enough to see through, and Niall barrels in, slamming the door behind him.

He looks all around my room and in my dressers, grimaceing when he opens my underwear drawer. I just laugh at him. He turns around angrily. "Its not funny Skylar! Where is my pizza?" I swear I see a tear fall from his eye. Its too much and I break. He's had enough punishment. For today anyways.

"Fine," I sigh. "I'll share my pizza with you. But only you. Or else I won't get any." He nods in agreement.

"Thank you Skylar." He smiles. I realize his smile is really cute. Aww. I think Niall and I can be friends.

"Me too." Niall says. Whoops did I say that aloud? "Yeah you did and that too." He laughs.

"So we're friends?" I ask.

"You bet."

"Good. That means you won't throw me in the pool again."

He grins. "Actually I think it means I will throw you in even more. And you will forgive me and give me food because I like food."

I sigh again. "Jeez. Maeve doesn't throw me in pools and make me give her food."

"That's because she isn't me."

Being friends with Niall keeps looking harder and harder. But it also keeps looking better.



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Xoxo ~T

That SummerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora