Chapter 2

375 19 2

A/N Edited. Feel free to point out further mistakes.



Working at Starbucks, is actually not as exciting as one might think. I mean, its the middle of the summer so everyone is outdoors, so its really busy and for some reason, always in a hurry. Ugh. Business people.

At my break, after giving coffee to many people, some I would be happy never seeing again, others I would love to see again (Yes. There may have been a few hot guys), I head into the staff room. I check my phone. I have four messages.

I open the first one, -hey sis mom says I'm picking you up from work today. Hazza-

The second -Skylar! I decided to bring the boys. Niall heard and he wants Starbucks. Hazza-

The third -wanna come over and hang out tonight? Maeve -

And the last -ANSWER ME SKYLAR!!! The boys and I are coming over in an hour. Be ready. Niall's hungry. Hazza-

I check the time of the last one, dreading the moment I'll meet the guys. Ha! Just kidding! I mean come on! They're One Direction!!! Who wouldn't be excited? Plus they're all super hot (except my twin brother. For those of you who can't tell, I obviously got all the good looks *dramatically flips my hair*). My phone says it was received 50 minutes ago. Damn it. Wait! I have work! How? What? He didn't. I need money!!!

My boss walks in. "So I see your brother has told you he booked you off for the rest of the week." Did everyone know except for me? *cue the hissy fit inside my head and angry Taylor swift music playing in the background* Is that even allowed? For someone else to do that? I. Need. Moneyyyyy!!

"Rest of the week!?" I squeak. Wait? Since when do I do that? I lower my voice."What? What do you mean rest of the week?" Great. Now I sound like a guy.

"I mean," my boss says, holding back his laughter, "See you next week. They're here." Geez sounds like I'm leaving for vacation! Oh I wish! I bet Hawaii is nice this time of year. *sigh dramatically* Wow. I am a very dramatic person.

I look outside. Sure enough, they are standing by the counter ordering food and drinks. Gosh they are sooo cute. Zayn, Liam, Niall, even Lou. Oh wait, there's my brother too. Way to ruin the string of good looks bro.

I sigh, will I have to go if they don't see me? I wonder....

Lou looks in our direction and smiles. He shoves Harry and points to me. Great there's no escaping now. Fucking Harry brainwashed Lou into it too. Grrr.

Taking a deep breath I say, "See you next week boss."

I drop my work stuff in my locker and stomp out the door of the staff room and walk over to Hazza and the band. This should be fun....

But really! I need money! Somebody better be paying for this week off!



Again, sorry its super short, but I'll try to update often. *cough whenever i get time cough* Feel free to point out any mistakes or leave feedback.

Xoxo ~T

PS. I have nothing against Harry. This is just because he is her brother.

That SummerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang