Chapter 12

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A/N edited. Feel free to point out any further mistakes.


"Again?" I hear the doctor ask Harry as we rush into the hospital. Good thing its fairly empty here. Hopefully Niall can get in right away. "What happened to her this time?" I go to the hospital a lot...I'm kinda accident prone. Ehehe.

"Actually," I say as I step out from behind him, supporting Niall's weight, "Its him this time."

"Oh dear!" he gasps, "How did this happen?" Way to make me feel even worse.

"I fell," Niall mumbles unconvincingly, "Silly me."

"Don't talk. Your face might get stuck like that," I tell him. And why did you lie for me?

The doctor doesn't look like he believes him either but brings him into a room and leaves us in the waiting room.


Niall comes out of the office a while later and at first I don't notice him. I have my headphones in and am listening to music. Music can always calm me down.

He sits down next to me and pulls one of my headphones out of my ear. Damn I really need actual headphones. He grins as he hears the song and the words play in my head.

'You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you. And you'll never treat yourself right darling but I want ya to. If I let ya know I'm here, For you. Maybe you'll love yourself like I, Love you. Oh.'

I blush. I if I had know that he would be listening to my music I would never had listened to him sing.

"My voice is just so sexy you had to get more right?" Niall teases, "But you could've just asked me to sing for you."

I giggle, making it high pitched and annoying, "Really! THE Niall Horan would sing for ME?!" I scream.

He covers my mouth with his hand and I lick it. The point was for him to take his hand off but he doesn't.

Harry comes over and does for him. "Hands off my sister."

We all leave the hospital and go back to our place.

Wouldn't it just be too bad if his face was too bad to eat candy. We would have to eat it ourselves. Too bad...


When we get home, I see two people waiting up for us. One is my mother, who I haven't seen in a few nights since she went on a 'vaction' to get away from my brother and his noisy friends. The other, is someone I haven't seen in a very long time.

"Gemma!!!!" I yell, running up and hugging her. Even though I'm still at home because I just graduated high school. Gemma has been off at collage and I almost never see her anymore.

Harry is right behind me and soon enough Niall yells, "Group hug!" and then proceeds to enforce it.

After we finish our 'group hug' I look at Niall and see him rubbing his face. Shit I forgot all about his bruises.

I head over to the freezer and pull out an ice pack for him. Handing it to him, I mumble, "Sorry."

"Thanks," he says back, looking up in surprise.

"Its the least I could do..." I whisper. "If there's anything I can do to make it up to you, just let me know."

"Well," now he's got a stupid grin on his face. This can't be good. "I could use a nurse. You know. To make sure I'm OK and help me with stuff."

He's just teasing and we both know it. Which is exactly why my next words are, "Hi I'm Nurse Styles. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Well, I could use a shot of whiskey right about now..."

"Ha! Not gonna happen. No drinking when I'm nurse!"

"Then I changed my mind. I don't want a nurse. I want my friend back!" He wails.

"OK. Skylar to the rescue. No drinking till you're better."

"Fine. Then I guess I need that nurse back to help me get better faster."

"Guys!" Gemma yells, "Invite the rest of the band over for movies! And the girls too!"

"Guess I'm staying at a friends tonight," mom says. "Again."

"See you tomorrow mum!" Maeve calls out. Yeah. Maeve and I call each others parents our own.

"Fine fine. You children behave now," Mom says over her shoulder, "And no alcohol!"

"We aren't gonna drink!" I yell. "Niall's got head injuri-"

"We'll be fine!" Niall hollers, once again covering my mouth with his hand. "Mum doesn't want me drinking for a while."

"OK dear. Bye kids!" Mom closes the door behind her and I lick Niall's hand.

"What is with you and doing that?" he asks.

"Doing what?" Maeve asks.

"Licking people."

Haz, Gemma, and Maeve start laughing their heads off.

"What's so funny?" Niall asks, looking bewildered.

"She licks everyone." Harry says.

"But just people she is comfortable around," Gemma adds so that I don't seem as creepy.

Maeve is still just laughing her ass off.

Niall looks at me, eyebrows raised. "Pretty much," I agree.

"So I should get used to it?"

"Yes." Just to prove my point, I lean over and lick his face.

"Why did you just basically kiss me?"

"I licked you. Get used to it."

"No. Don't get used to it!" Harry yells. "Skylar! No kissing him!"

"I licked him!" I repeat.

"Oh. Well I wasn't listening and all I heard was kissing. Don't scare me like that!"

"Whatever." I stick my tongue out at him and we just sit and talk while we wait for everyone to come over.



So I got over 200 reads on this story! THANK YOU GUYS! I LOVE YOU!

>> <3 << me virtually sending that love. Did you get it? Yep? Yay!

I will come back and make the chapter longer later. Like always.

Xoxo ~T

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