Chapter 13

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A/N edited. Feel free to point out any further mistakes.


Everyone gets over here but Louis and El, who are missing.


"Well hello to you too," he replies. "El's photo shoot is lasting longer than expected. So we will be there as soon as we can, but go ahead and start without us."

"Okay," I chirp before I hang up on him.

"So what does everybody want to watch?" Haz asks.

A bunch of answers are thrown at him, but he goes with a horror film. Kill me now. I will be dead by the end of the movie anyways.

"Can't we watch something else?" I beg.

"Nope." With that he pops the movie into the player.

We are all spread out across the room; Haz is relaxing on the lazy boy recliner, Maeve and Gemma are on the couch with Liam and Dani (Dani is on Liam's lap), Zayn and Perrie are snuggling on the floor, and that leaves me and my 'bestie' to share the love seat. And being that I am horrified by horror films, I bury my face in his shirt everytime I get scared and grab his arm with a death grip.

About halfway through the film, there is a loud sound and I jump, my nails digging into Niall's arm and drawing blood. Niall tells me to calm down and relax but I can't.

Someone grabs my shoulder from behind, and I scream bloody Mary and punch them in the gut.

"Aww damn it Skylar!" Haz moans. "What the hell was that for!"

"For attacking me and scaring me!" I yell. By this point we have stopped the movie and everyone is laughing at me.

"Do you hit everyone?" Niall asks, making me feel horrible about myself. I look down at his arm and see him subconsciously rubbing it where I have drawn blood from fear.

I let go of his shirt and slowly make my way upstairs. Gosh. I am such a bother to everyone around me.

Surprisingly, I hear someone heading up the stairs after me. Oh no! I didn't ruin the movie too did I?

I cuss under my breath and turn around to see Niall.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"Nothing. Just tired. I'm going to bed. Goodnight." I say, yawning to make my performance more believable.

"You were fine a second ago." he counters.

"And I'm fine right now!" I snap, knowing perfectly well that's not what he meant.

"That's not what I meant and you know it." He puts his hands on his hips like a little child. I somehow manage not to laugh when I remember the last time I did that.

"Just go downstairs and watch the movie Nialler," I sigh.

"Not without my bestie," he answers.

"Well I'm going to my room."

"Then I am too."

"You're like a puppy!"

He gets down on his hands and knees and barks. "Woof! Woof!"

I take this time when he is at a disadvantage and run for my room. Unfortunately he somehow gets there before I can close the door.

I sigh, and let him in.

I sit cross-legged in the center of my bed, put my headphones in, and ignore him. Hopefully he will get the message and go away.

This time I make sure NOT to listen to One Direction music.

After half an hour of sitting and listening to music with Niall just being awkward and sitting staring at nothing, he comes over and pulls headphone out of my ear.

"Aww, its not me!" he pouts. I don't bother answering him. "Tell me what's wrong," he asks.

He looks so cute when he pouts! Its like a little puppy! I give in, "I'm sorry I keep hurting you guys and being a bitch, I really am. I feel awful." Without my permission, a tear falls down my face. Dude pmsing is real. And its a bitch. Just like me.

I hastily wipe it away but Niall takes my hand and leads me out of my room, down the stairs, through the kitchen, up the secret set of stairs, into the music room.

He sits me down on a stool and he sits on the other one. He pulls out a guitar and starts singing,

'Baby, you got me sick. I don't know, what I did. Need to take a break and figure it out. Yeah. Got your voice in my head, saying just go away, can't believe the words came outa your mouth yeah," He grins at me, "Tryna be OK, tryna be alright, but seeing you upset, just don't feel right," I giggle as he changes the lyrics to fit the situation. His face lights up and he continues, but stops singing, preferring instead to just yell, "AND I'M LIKE OWW!"

By this point, we are both laughing our heads off. "Feeling better?" he asks.

"Yes. Thank you." I smile, thinking to myself, 'I have the sweetest friend ever!'.

"Aww thanks, but I already knew that," Niall teases. Apparently I said that aloud. Whoops.



Thanks so much for reading, I hope you enjoy my story! And once again, I will go back and make this chapter longer later.

Xoxo ~T

PS. I changed her name to Skylar...

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