Chapter 15

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A/N edited. Feel free to point out any further mistakes.


It has been a week since I left work, which means....I can go get money again!!! Yay! But its also been a week since I have talked to my best friend. Not yay.

I shower, brush my teeth, and now stand in front of my mirror with no idea what to wear. Ugh. I decide to wear a pair of light purple skinny jeans, a graphic tee that says 'you mad bro?', a pair of flip flops and throw my hair into a high pony tail.

I rush out the door and make it to Starbucks just in time for my shift.

"Hey Skylar!" chirps a familiar voice, "Glad to see you back!"

"Glad to be back boss!" I salute mockingly.

I put on my uniform and go to the cash register.

After a long day of serving people, I head into the staff room and see Matt getting ready for his shift.

"Hey Skylar how are you?" he asks.

"Good you?"

"I'm fine. I gotta go work see you around?"

"Yeah I guess." Wow I'm so good with words. My cute coworker actually talks to me and that's all I can say? 'Good you?' And 'yeah I guess.'? Smooth Skylar. Smooth like chunky peanut butter.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pick it up without looking at the screen. "Hello?"

"Hey sis," Haz says, "I'm waiting outside for you."

"OK. Be right out Haz." I hang up and head outside to see that Harry is just standing there. I'm so glad he forgave me.

"Where did you park?" I ask.

"I didn't. I walked," He answers.

"Why would you bother picking me up then?"

"Cause I'm taking you somewhere."

"And you couldn't just get me to meet you there?"

He shrugs, "Didn't know if you knew where it was."

We have been talking as we're walking and we stop in front of a big office building.

"Why are we here?" I ask.

"I want you to meet Paul and Simon. They want to meet you too," Harry explains.

"Oh." I look down, "umm...should I..I don't know..change?"

"Nah! They won't care what you wear sis."

I sigh and Haz drags me into the building. And if you think I'm kidding or exaggerating, I'm not. I decided that I didn't want to meet them yet and Haz decided I would. I put up a fight, hence why he ended up dragging me.

"Who's the poor girl this time?" the man at the front counter asks suggestively.

"My sister. Where are Simon and Paul?" Haz asks.

"Upstairs in the recording studio." The man tells us.

Haz nods to him and we make our way to the elevator. He pushes the button for the fourteenth floor, and I realize that there are other people on here as well and we will have to wait for them. At each floor, more people get on. Because of the big number of people and the fact that we are stopping at every floor, it takes forever to get to each floor.

Haz notices that I'm tapping my foot and playing with my nails. "Patience is a virtue young grasshopper."

I scoff. "A virtue I don't have."

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