Chapter 8

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A/N edited. Feel free to point out any further mistakes.


I wake up the next morning still in my bed. Apparently they needed to make sure I was okay so I was on bed arrest all day yesterday.

Unfortunately besides that memory, I also see a bunch of faces leaning over me. "Ahhhh!" I scream. "What the hell?" At least there's no ice water this time.

"She's up!" someone yells. I realize that its Liam.

"No shit Mr obvious," says Harry as he slaps Liam across the head with a smirk on his face.

All five of the boys laugh (because they never freaking stop) and I can't help feeling like I'm forgetting something. Something important...

Dammit! I jump out of bed and my eyes go wide. I fling the covers off and I'm still in my clothes from yesterday. Shit. They'll have to work.

I pull on a sweater and run out the door yelling, "Damn it I'm late!"

I run and run and run down the streets until I get to Starbucks, all sweaty and gross. Jeez and I thought wearing the same clothes was bad enough. Eww!

I fling the door open and ignore all the strange looks I'm getting as I quickly make my way into the employees' room. I run smack into someone.

A guy. Not just any guy. A super duper hot guy. Matt.

I gulp and look up at him and he's got that hot smirk on his face. Gah. How do you breathe again? I think I forget how to.

"What are you doing here?" he asks me curiously.

"Um...working?" I say although it sounds like a question.

He chuckles. Is it weird that I think its hot? Oh well. "You aren't working remember? Your brother booked you off for a while." he explains.

Oh riiiight....

"Whoopsie," I giggle, "Bye then!"

I then further embarrass myself by slipping on a wet floor and landing on my ass. Smooth. Smooth like peanut butter. Chunky peanut butter.

I hear laughter break out and I blush, and look up expecting Matt to be laughing but its not him. Its Harry and Louis. Matt holds out a hand for me to grab. I take it and he pulls me up off the floor. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Harry glaring at him.

"Thanks," I mumble.

"No problem," he says with a wink. "I gotta get back to work. See you around!"

"What are you doing here?" I demand to Harry and Louis.

"Picking you up," says Louis, "Harry thought you might come here."

"And you didn't stop me?" I ask angrily.

"Nah we thought you'd realize halfway here," Harry answers. "Besides that there was pretty freaking funny."

I stick my tongue out at him and walk out the door.

"Where are you going?" hollers Louis.

"Home!" I yell back.

A few seconds later I hear a van pull up next to me. "Hop in sis," Harry says, opening the side door.

I get in and see the rest of the guys and Perrie, Dani, and El are already in there too. There is no where to sit.

I cross my arms. "There's no room I can walk."

"No," Harry says, "get in. Sit on someone."

I laugh at that and am about to sit on El's lap, but she is sitting in the front so I can't. Damn. "Scooch over!" I say to Niall, Liam, and Zayn who are sitting in the back.

"No room," says Zayn teasingly.

"There's always room for my new bestie!" Niall yells as he pulls me down onto his lap. "See found some!"

"Some what?" Liam asks. Oh Liam. He means found some space.

Niall has other ideas. "FOOD!"

"FOOD?! WHERE?!" I scream excitedly.

He points to a bunch of fast food places and tells Harry to stop and get us food.

"Really Harry?" I ask as he pulls into McDonald's. "This place is gross. Can we get something else?"

Niall gasps and I honestly thought he was about to throw me off of him and face first into the window, but he just pokes me. "What did you just say about McDonald's?"

"I said it's gross," I repeat.

"Well, we're ordering. What for you want Sky?" Haz asks me.

"I want a sprite and apple slices," I say defiantly.

"Whatever weirdo," he says before ordering for everyone.

Twenty minutes later we are going down the highway with food in our hands. Well mine and Niall's are gone as is most of Liam and Zayn's because they had the unfortunate luck of sitting next to us.

"So where are we going?" I ask, finally noticing that we aren't heading in the direction of our house.

"Its a surprise." Louis says.

"But everybody else knows!" I whine.

"I don't know!" both Liam and Niall yell.

"Right! So you can suffer together!" Zayn cheers happily.

We all stick our tongues out and wait quietly.

Who am I kidding, we aren't quiet.



So I really hope you guys like this! Thank you for the read! I am trying to make my chapters longer.

And I was wondering if you could do me a favor and read my story Together Forever Like Night And Day' its cowriten on the account 'LiveAndBreatheLyrics' with my friend Kyla. Thank you so much if you do!

Xoxo ~T

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