Not an Update

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Hey guys!

Ok, I know I haven't updated in like, forever...Ok, about 28 days. But I'm here to say I probably won't be updating for a little while.

This doesn't mean I'm quitting Wattpad, because I'm not. It just means I won't be updating that often.

Recently, whenever I told myself, "I need to update my stories on Wattpad", I just couldn't get the energy to do it. It turns out this is a symptom of the depression I was diagnosed with a while a go. Even making myself write this chapter took ages, but now I'm forcing myself because I want to let all my lovely readers to know why I haven't updated in ages.

This doesn't mean this book is finished, or that I'll never update again, it just means I want do daily updates, like when I started. I mean, when this book was first created I would post about 2-5 chapters weekly or something ridiculous like that. Just don't expect those sort of updates now.

And some of my lovely readers gave me some great cliché's and ideas, and me not using them doesn't mean I think they're crap (They're fantastic), it means my depression is making the effort to get up and write a chapter not worth it. 

So I'm sorry if I disappointed anyone--this isn't the end. I will update some time this month--I promise. 

Thanks. xox

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