Wattpad Cliché #45

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'You should get together' cliché

My God.

Ever read one of those books?

When the girl and the boy are currently friends, and are just hanging around when either a, a friend comes, b, a teen/someone from their school, or c, a grandma, comes along and says, "are you together?"

And they reply, "no."

And she says, "well you should be. You're very cute together!" or something along those lines.


First of all

a) How fucking heteronormative

b) how creepy

c) how awkward 

Have you ever been out with a friend and a complete stranger comes and tells you guys should get together?

I mean, what is this, matchmaker.com?

This is really unrealistic or whatever, but yeah, turns out grannies are now psychic, cos' a couple chapters later they're snogging and stuff!

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