Wattpad Cliché #39

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'Can't Live Out You' cliché

You all must've read this cliché before. The girl (ALWAYS the girl. Never the boy. Uhhmm.) tells the boy, "I can't live without you." Or "My life isn't worth living without you."


Pretty sure you weren't conceived to do it with a guy.

And honestly, kinda sexist, hmm? It basically says 'girls can't live without guys' or 'girls are weak without men'. Which is a LIEEEEE!

And honestly, if what these cliché girls are saying is true, sucks to be them if the guy dies before her.

Hon, in these books you're a GENIUS.  Maybe you could find a cure for cancer if you put your mind to it, but noooo...to busy being naughty with you're boyfriend.

Oh well.

You're happiness before the world's, right?

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