Wattpad cliche #34

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'Age and Height' cliche

Ok, I'm just going to start off saying, I don't think I've read a SINGLE book on Wattpad where the girl is older, and/or taller then the boy.

I know we want that cute moment where he lifts her off her feet, but c'mon! --not everyone (including myself) is short! Is it a CRIME for the girl to be taller then her bf?

I don't want to offend anyone who is short, because its genetics and stuff, but if their the same age its likely that one will be taller then the other. Be unique (I can't believe I'm saying this is unique, but on Wattpad it is) and make the girl the tall one.

Another thing is, they all seem to be 17. Why? I dunno. I don't THINK there's anything special about being 17 except a whole lot of exams n shit, but I haven't reached that age so I don't really know.

And if she's seventeen, the guy's probably 18, 19, in his twenties or 109 years old. But not younger--nowadays you can be fined $100 Wattpad dollars and get BANNED from Wattpad if you do sich a horrific crime!

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