Wattpad Cliche #16

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'Did I say that?' cliché

Ok, I have read a lot of these. The girls THINK they thought something, but really they said it! IN FRONT OF THEIR CRUSH! OH NO!!!!!

First of all, how do you not know if you said something out loud? I've never 'accidentally' talked. Its a stupid plot-advancer. I can barely bare I mumbled it and he heard. Oops. Though I probably should've  thought about it and not mumbled it. Oh well, now he knows I love him. Lets make out! 

 Seriously, can't you just give your character the guts to tell the other person whatever it is, instead of taking this cheap way and making them 'accidentally' say it.


I wonder if he's dating Sapphire.

"Nope," he answered, popping the 'P'.

Did I say that out loud?

"Yup," he replied, flashing me his white teeth.

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