Wattpad Cliche #32

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'The horrible start' cliche

"Hi, my name is Kylie, I'm 17 years old, I have long blond hair and blue eyes, I know, SO ugly1!!! I have this HUGGE crush (so huge I used TWO G's) on the bad boy, Ryder...But he will never like me!!1! :( #SOUPSET

^ LOL soup set

If you're trying to think of a way to start your book, here's an example of how not to.

See, don't start it as if she's talking to the reader. Unless its a diary or something,  it's best to avoid that sort of thing. You either do third person (Kylie tossed her blonde hair over her shoulder and averted her blue eyes from Ryder's piercing green ones) or first person (I tossed my blonde hair over my shoulder and averted my blue eyes from Ryder's piercing green ones). Not the example above...im sorry the diary format is just very annoying,  at least for me.
Also, WAY to many Exclamation marks. like, calm down. One will do. 

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