Wattpad Cliché #42

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'Playing Hookie' Cliché

Has any of you ever played Hookie (if you don't know what that means, it means skipping classes/school)? Yes? No?

Well that's something the character's do regularly. 

That bad-boy is always a class-skipper, and I once read a book that said basically 'He skipped school so much the teacher's got used to him popping into the class half-way through the lesson.'


What sort of teachers do you have at your school?! 

Where I live, you have to get your teacher's permission before leaving, get signed out, leave, come back, get a late-pass and go back to class with an excuse.

And man, if they're seventeen, missing out on even ONE lesson can count! You might not pass the exams! You might have to re-do school!

And believe me, if I entered class mid-way through a lesson without a late-pass or good excuse, I would be dragged out by my ear and hacked open with an axe!

...Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating, but let me tell you, my parents would NOT be pleased getting a phone call saying I skipped class.

And even if we DO give a 'I'm sick' excuse, the nurses won't let us leave by ourselves! They'd call our parents and get them to pick us up!

...So yeah, in simpler words, skipping my school is an free-pass to hell.

Is it just my school being super-strict? Or have other people got this?

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