Mental Health

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Hey pastels.

Mental health is important, specifically your mental health. I know I previously have told you school is the most important, but your mental health is even more so. You are actually your brain. All of you, everything that makes you who you are, is stored in your brain. This would be enough to stress out anyone frankly. Since you are in fact a brain, you need to take care of that brain of yours.
If you're feeling stressed by homework, a twenty page essay in MLA format thats do at exactly 3:30, or your art project due 2 weeks from now, take a break from it. Put whatever it is down and just ignore it for a few minutes. Your mental health is more important than calculating the mass of Pluto. Your mental health is more important than writing an essay that connects Huck Finn to modern times.
You need to let your mind breathe. It will only make it worse if you stress over a situation longer than necessary. Don't dwell on a single issue because you can't figure it out. Take a break from it.
When you feel better, go back to what you were working on and try again. Don't give up. If you need help, ask a friend. (Google works to 😜). You can do anything as long as you stay positive.
If you ever feel like you're not smart enough, just say: I can do this, and repeat it until you believe it. You never know, maybe one day you'll find the cure for cancer, or think of a new and better energy source.
To do well, take care of your metal health first. You only get one body, one life, one chance. So be the most kick ass person you can be, but take care of yourself.
We all have a little bit of I wanna save the world in us, but sometimes we can only save one person and that person is our self.

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