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I would like to take the time to say that you don't have to lose weight to impress anyone. If you want to eat 30 cupcakes then you eat all 30 cupcakes. If your mom makes pizza then eat it all. The calories don't matter as long as you're staying healthy. Its perfectly natural to have body fat. Kittens are chubby and still cute, puppies are chubby and babies too but they're all cute.
You are perfect how you are. There is nothing wrong with having a tummy or with not having a tummy. You are perfect.
I'm not shaming body types here. I am just telling you that you don't have to maintain a certain weight for people to like you.

If you bake brownies, you are entitled to eat all the brownies you want. The calories do not apply to the chef.
If you see your favorite food is made, you eat it. You deserve it. Eat it and don't regret it.
I have struggled with an eating disorder. I know its very hard to bring yourself to eat sometimes. So start small. Don't go out and eat the biggest meal ever right away. Start by maybe adding a cookie a week to your diet. Or maybe eat mashed potatoes or oatmeal four times a week. Maybe try fruits. They're sweet with low calories and you'll feel full. If you're dying for a sweet treat, eat a frozen banana.
Don't let calorie consumption rule your life. Eat if you're hungry. Take care of your body. Replenish the calories you burned. Drink a Gatorade if you don't think you can eat. Just stay healthy. Whatever body type you have is perfect. Keep telling yourself that you're perfect.
You are a beautiful person and I love you so much.

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