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I know that school is hard, just do your best. Make sure you are in every class. Don't skip. An education is the ticket out of here and into a better life.
Don't listen to the bullies, they are hurting too. They don't know how to deal with it, they just want to see people feel the way they do. Don't give in to them because then they will feel like they have won and the bullying will get worse.
Stay hydrated. Keep your brain at a fast pace by drinking a lot of water during the day. If you aren't using the bathroom between each class, you are not getting enough water.
Eat. I know its hard to sometimes, but eating breakfast or even bringing a snack to school will help. It takes a lot of energy for your body to take care of you. Fuel your body so it can do its job well. Also when you are hungry you are more apt to focus on your tummy pains than your class work.
You will get through the day, I believe in you. I love you. Stay strong and take great care of yourself today.

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