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*I know a lot of these imagines has grammar mistakes, but when I'm finished I'll go back and edit them all*

"Babe I'm about to get in the shower." He got off the bed and went into the bathroom to turn the shower on.

"Okay, I'll just be in here watching tv." You told him.

You saw him rummage through his drawer of clothes, then you noticed a brown little book lifting up. He pushed it back down though.

He walked into the bathroom and shut the door. You being sneaky, you creeped to the drawer where his little book was and took it out from under those clothes it was buried under.

You walked over to the bed and started reading what was in the book. It looked like a journal.

You flipped to a page that was titled 'Purpose'

March 22nd 2014

I don't know if this is wrong because someone else is telling me that it's wrong, but I feel this so let me just like try my best to not let this happen again. I know we weren't put in the best position to make the best decisions . You can be hard on yourself, these were the cards you were given so you have to understand that these like that's not who you are you know you're trying to be the best you can be but that's all you can do, if you don't give it all you got you're only cheating yourself. Give it all you got because if it ends up happening it ends up happening. That's what's happening with me it's like God, I'm giving it all I got sometimes I'm weak and I'm gonna do it, it's like I'm not giving myself grace it's just like that's just how it is...

You flipped around but you stopped when something caught your eye, a page titled 'y/n'

April 2nd

y/n I love her to death but I can't be with her, she's an amazing girl but she would be better with someone else.
I don't look at her the same way I looked at her when Za first introduced me to her. Our kisses aren't like they used to be and worst of all the 'I love you's'. She says them with so much passion and I reply back with no meaning. I love her but not like I love-

"y/n?" Justin asked.

You've been so caught up in his journal you didn't hear the shower turn off.

"y/n baby, what are you reading?" He asked again.

*cliffhanger lol. Part 2? I won't post a part 2 unless you ask for it. Justin is in for his ass about to be beat. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!! ily xx*

Justin Bieber Imagines *completed for now*Where stories live. Discover now