Chapter 39 (Final Chapter)

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Lexa's POV

-Earth, present day-

It's been a couple of weeks and Clarke is healing pretty well. She'll have a scar but at least she's still alive. And let me be honest: no one looks at her the same, including me. I noticed that since the traitor attacked Clarke she distanced herself from everyone, including me. We barely talked; in fact, she barely talks to anyone... as much as people try. Right now we're heading to Polis because I finally got the answers from all of the clans that are a part of the coalition. There will be a trial for the traitor and the Ice Queen since I became aware that she was the one behind this rebellion.

The princess with the blonde hair was riding on a horse next to me. Only looking ahead, but deep in thought. "Clarke?" I try to get her attention. We still have about a day's journey ahead of us and I can't handle the silence anymore. But she doesn't make it easy on me. As I'm about to give up on talking to her now, she turns her head to me and I can finally see the pain in her eyes. This is the first time I see any kind of emotion from her since I took her to camp Jaha two weeks ago. I know she's about to let everything out and I also know that as long as there are other people around, she will try to repress everything for as long as she possibly can. "Do you want me to stop the convo?" I faintly whisper to her and I see that she nods slightly. So I raise my hand as I stop my horse and I see Clarke doing the same. I turn around and see how everyone is stopping too. I see exhaustion on their faces and I make the decision to make camp here and rest for the night. "Make camp, tonight we rest here. Tomorrow we arrive to the capital." I descend from my horse as I see Clarke going into the forest and I follow her. Indra is following me and I instruct her not to.

I can see my princess sit, pulling her knees up and putting her head on top of them. I can hear her sob and it breaks my heart. I sit next to her and put my arm around her shoulders. She slowly leans to me and I can see the tears coming down her face. I let her cry for what seemed like hours, just holding her. I know why she's like this: she once loved that girl and to see her like that, betraying her like it meant nothing to her... That can be really hard on someone, not to talk about the danger she was in because of that... I don't even know what to call her anymore!

As soon as I feel her calming down a little bit I put a strand of her hair behind her ear to meet her swollen blue eyes and I realise they are a little more peaceful. There is still a conflict on her mind but there's definitely some anger in there as well. "Better?" I ask looking at her.

"Thank you." She whispers.

"What for?" I ask confused. And finally there it is... that smile I've been waiting so long to see. It's not as big as it used to be but it's still heartfelt. I don't know what I've done to deserve this woman...

"For giving me time... I know it wasn't easy for you, I could see it in your eyes." She talks slowly and makes a lot of pauses. It makes me a little nervous for some reason. "But you have always been so strong! You've been making hard decisions for a long time, even before you met me. And I want to say thank you for that. I know I haven't been the easiest person to be around these past couple of weeks but you didn't leave. And you have no idea how much that means to me!" This is starting to make me feel emotional and vulnerable... Usually I would look away but right now I can't. Her eyes are really captivating. "With Alyson, it wasn't like that... she was kind to me but she would kinda neglect my feelings. And with Finn... Well, there is not a lot to talk about that because it ended as fast as it started. But with you" she made a big pause this time and stared at my eyes with a meaning I have never seen before. "With you things are different. I'm used to manipulate people into doing whatever I think is right. But we understand each other, we don't need manipulation now. We communicate in a way I've never had before. And somehow that scares me!" I'm speechless. "What if I lose you? I don't know what I would do. What if you leave me?" I hold her face and connect our lips for the first time in weeks and I feel a warmth inside of me, bigger than I've ever experienced. "I swear fealty to you Clarke kom Skaikru. I vow to take your needs as my own. And your people as my people." I whisper with my forehead to hers and staring at her eyes. A single tear falls down her face and I clean it up as fast and gently as I can with my shaky hands.

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