Chapter 3

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Lexa POV

-Earth, three days ago-

I'm walking back to Tondc and my heart is heavy. I feel guilty for leaving Clarke like that. For betraying the alliance... But it had to be done! It was the only way my people would get out of there safely bit I wasn't leaving them like that. I can hear my warriors roar in happiness as they see themselves reunited with their families and partners. We've been walking for 15 minutes and we had to move back. I freed Lincoln the moment we reached the tree line so he must be with Octavia now.

My mind didn't allow me to think about my people's happiness because I couldn't have that. My Sky Princess would never be mine after this, after she thinks I left her people to die.

I stopped receiving looks from everyone. "Commander? Why did you stop?" Indra asked in a tone that wasn't as cold as usual.

I turned to the crowd of my people and started talking. "We need to get back." They were all confused. "If it wasn't for the skaicru we wouldn't be able to get our people back. The Mountain Men wouldn't fear our army the way they did. They would still have all their defences up and we wouldn't be able to get even close to the mountain. Blood must have blood! And their hands have the blood of our people all over them. So I say we get back there and teach them that the Treecru is not to be played with!" I said in trigedaslang. I didn't know if that would work, and when my warriors didn't say anything i got nervous but didn't let it show. They could think I only did that to go back to Clarke and that is weakness! I can't be weak right now.
Suddently Indra yelled so everybody could hear "Jus drein jus daun!" Those words echoed throughout the valley we were in. And the warriors roar the same multiple times. I slightly nodded at Indra and she did the same. Somehow she supported me on this. I rise my hand for silence and ordered some of the warriors and healers to go to Tondc and help the people Mount Weather held hostage to settle and heal. The group separated and I headed back to where we came from. 'I'm coming for you Clarke!' I thought.

When we got there we went in through the open door we stood about two hours ago. I remembered it wasn't open when we left so I proceeded with caution. Before we got in I instructed my people to only kill the guards and the ones who wouldn't let us through. They didn't like that so much but I reminded them that not everyone helped their leader to drain our people's blood or wanted it to be done, so their hands didn't have blood. We entered the main door and the guards were nowhere to be seen. We made our way down and when we got to the fifth floor we understood why. They were dead! Their bodies were disfigured like nothing I've ever seen. I've sent some of my man to track down the Sky people and when they came back they were alone.

We got here too late! Clarke would never forgive me...

I left a sign hoping she would see it.

-Earth, present day-

I was sitting in my throne playing with my dagger when Indra resquested permission to walk in. I granted and she didn't even looked me in the eyes. She knew I was furious and the wrong words could be their last.
"Commander, you haven't left this tent in three days. People are starting to doubt your strength." Those words made even more furious! I could kill Indra right now but then I remembered she's here to warn me.
I got up and my second stepped back. I realised my face was tensed so I nodded at Indra and got out of my tent. A commotion gathers around me and I raise my and for silence.
"We're all here together thanks to Clarke of the Sky People. She and her people allowed us to have our people back. It's time to make them understand our alliance is still up." My words were heard and everyone agreed with me. We got our horses and went to Camp Jaha. 'Clarke, I'll make things right. I promise!' I thought.


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