Chapter 27

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Clarke POV

-Earth, present day-

I wanted to keep my eyes closed. I wanted to make sure that it wasn't just a dream. But as I became aware of my body my doubts were starting to fade. I could feel some pressure and heat around my waist and it reminded me of the times I woke up next to someone else. I opened my eyes and was faced with reality. She was right there. Mere inches seperating our faces. I haven't felt this in such a long time! The connection, the intimacy... The last person that made me feel like this was Alyson. As soon as I think about her my heart starts to beat faster and soon the memories of last night emerge. Her smile when Collins was stabed seemed off... Evil almost. My eyes wondered around the tent as I try to put the pieces together and as soon as my brain precessed the image I was seeing everything faded away. Lexa was peacefully sleeping right by my side. I start feeling butterflies in my stomach. What we did a few hours ago made me feel things I never felt before. The connection we have is more than I ever experienced and it brought a kind of happiness to my heart I've never thought was possible for anyone to feel. I used the tip of my fingers to trace her jaw. She stirs. Damn it! I didn't want to wake her. I guess it's too late now... The girl by my side starts to open her eyes slowly. When she looks at me for the first time there's a second when she doesn't recognize me and there's doubt showing in her eyes, but that goes away soon enough.

"Hey" I hear her husky voice and a shiver takes over my body.

"Hey beautiful" I smile and I see her cheeks getting flistered. "What?"

"What does that mean?" she asks looking straight to my eyes.

"What? Beautiful?" she nods without breaking eye contact. She doesn't know what beautiful is? Wow! They missed a lot of vocabulary... I have to find out what she knows so I can teach her what she doens't. It's like having a child... Not that I mind! I would love to be the one to teach her everything. I guess the survivors of the nuclear war thought it was better to lose some concepts in order to survive efficiently. "Well, that is hard to explain... But it is when something or someone makes you feel good when you see them." This is really hard for me to explain, but that doesn't mean I won't try.

"Like the dark?" I didn't understand and she quickly explained. "When it's dark you don't really see what's around you... You have to rely on your other senses. Like touch" with that she pulls her right hand up and traces my neck from my ear to my collarbone and I let out a sigh. "Your hearing" She smiles at me and leans forward. Knowing what she intends to do I close my eyes. "Your taste" I hear her whisper and feel her breath on my lips. Then she closes the gap between us. My heart was beating fast before but now I was afraid she could hear it pounding in my chest. Her right hand travels up and settles on the back of my neck pulling me close. I'm sure that if our eyes weren't closed, we'd be able to see every pore on my bare body. Our lips start moving slowly in a passionate kiss. My left hand slowly travels Lexa's body from her thigh to her arm, there my fingers draw small patterns on her skin and the brown haired girl lets out a sigh. She pulls back leaving my whole body with a sense of disappointment. After a couple of seconds I open my eyes and see her smiling at me. "Darkness is nothing compared to you." She whispered while she carressed my cheek. How can someone who has never been in contact with anything romantic can act like this? She really has an amazing heart.

"It's time to eat and I have a few things to do." She says and gets out of the bed. The sight of her bare body makes mine shiver. I could see her scars and tattoos and curiosity started to grow in me. "But first, I need to know what happened at your camp." She looks at me while getting dressed. I follow her example and soon we were both on the bed and I was telling her what happened since we left Tondc two days ago. I told her I hadn't been around anyone because I needed to think. But yesterday I went to the dinning room and Alyson came to me. I saw Lexa closing her eyes as soon as I mentioned my ex-girlfriends name. I decided to not say anything for now but I sure would do it when we had time. When I told her what happened in my room I noticed her closing her hands into fists and her knuckles became white. She asked a few questions after that: how the warrior was dressed, if I had seen him before, what happened to Alyson... To all of those questions I answered as truthfully as I could. There were things that were not clear in my head but I tried to make as much sense as possible. When we were done, Lexa grabs my hand and we head towards the entrance of the tent. She turns to me and I could see pain in her eyes.

"Clarke, my people doesn't understand this yet" She squeezes my hand lightly. "But I intend to change that. Before any of that happens I have to make sure that this camp is safe for you. For that we have to work together... Right now, we will eat something and you will carefully look around and see if you recognize any of my men as the one who hurted you. If you do, then you'll tell me. Can you do that for me?" I simply nod. "I'll be by your side the whole time if you want me to but I can't hold your hand just yet." She diverted her eyes from mine and looked at the ground. I placed my finger under her chin and made her face me again.

"I get it." As said as lovingly as I could. "We'll work together on this. And if not holding your hand or kissing you in public is the price to pay for keeping everyone safe than I'm willing to take it. As long as we can do it when no one is watching?" I kinked an eyebrow and smiled at her which she returned. I quickly pecked her on the lips and got out. I saw Bellamy, Raven, Octavia and Lincoln sitting near the fire and decided to go that way. I could feel Lexa right behind me and I could see Bellamy staring at her. He didn't seem friendly and I knew why... I need to talk to him about that.


Hey everyone!
I'm so so so sorry for taking so long to update... Things have been complicated lately. I hope you like this chapter. Feedback is always appreciated

Have a great day!

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