Chapter 26

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Alyson POV

-Earth, the day before-

We got to Camp Jaha yesterday and I haven't seen much of Clarke. I stayed in medical care for a few hours, then I told Dr. Griffin I was feeling better and got out of there. I really can't handle this people! First they send us here to die and now they act like they're better than us? How can they be so full of themselves?

My next move was to try and find the only person I care about in this place. I couldn't find her... I asked around and no one has seen her since we got here. I know her and I know she's hidding. But why?

I decided to wait for her to come out. My plan was going perfectly now and I didn't want to mess it up now. I slept in a designated "room". This was a prison cell! I can barely breath in here. But I slept in a few places worse than this. After a while and a thousand turn in the bed I realise I have to grab some air. So I go outside and breath in. I'm glad I refused to change my clothing because it protects me against the cold brise. That's when I notice movement around camp. My people... I get near the fence and I see the slim figure coming towards me. I put my hands up as a signal for the person to not move closer.

"Alyson..." I hear the powerful voice.

"Commander" I refer to the woman in front of me.

"I love when you call me that! But we have to be careful, I haven't killed Lexa yet. So I'm not the commander... Yet." She has blond hair, pale skin, ripped body and piercing blue eyes. She is breathtaking and if I wasn't in love with Clarke I would fall for that face in a heartbeat.

"Yes, my Queen." I lowered my head as a sigh of respect which she returned. We met right after that Anya took me. I was in a bad shape and the Queen took care of me. Usually she lives North but she wanted to kill the Commander so she could be the leader of all the clans. She's a great and fearless leader, of course she would have everyone at her feet, but I know her weakness so she doesn't step on my toes.

"Everything ready for tomorrow?" I ask in a whisper.

"Yes. We'll take you out of here tomorrow night." She aswered.

"Remember, instruct the men to not hurt Clarke in any way or they'll have to deal with me." She looked confused. "The girl will be with me when it happens." I became her second the moment after I defeated the two strongest warriors of her army with bruises all over my body. I can't really remember what happened that day... Those men were trained since they were children but I watched them carefully for two days and I just focused on my anger. Since then, I trained everyday and our army is now ready to face the woods' one.

The woman in front of me nodded. I could barely see it due to the lack of light but I've been trained for this.

As she ran towards the trees I came back to my supposed bedroom.

The next day was calm but I was too excited for the night to come. I just had to make sure Clarke was with me when it happened. I saw her during lunch but she didn't look so good so I decided to give her a little more space. So at dinner I sat next to her.

"Hey there stranger!" I used to call her that back then when we were together. She looked up and met my gaze but she didn't have a reaction. This won't make me give up! "Can I sit?" She just shrugged her shoulders so I did what I wanted to do. She whas facing the table and I had one leg on each side of the bench so I could face her.

"I know things are not like they used to be, but you can talk to me..." I whispered as I put my hand on her lower back. She looked at me and I could see her eyes filled with tears. They were red and puffy too so she has been crying for a while. She doesn't cry in public, I always knew that. And now I had the perfect chance. I got up and offered my hand to her. "Do you want to go somewhere more private?" She grabbed my hand and all the feelings came back stronger.

I took her to my designated room and sat on the bed with her. She started balling her eyes out and cleched a fist to hit me on my shoulder. She hit one of the cuts those savages of the treecru made me, but I didn't care. My love was not okay and that's what I had to focuse on. I held her for a while and then we started to her a commotion. I knew what it was!

"What's going on?" Clarke asked whipping her tears and heading towards the door. That's so like her... To neglect her well-being for others. She's so strong and so courageous! But I couldn't let her go out and risk her getting hurt.

"It's probably nothing..." I grabbed her. And then the screaming began. I heard footsteps coming towards the cubicule we're in. And suddently the door opens taking us by surprise. It was one of the guards... I was mad they weren't all dead already. That was the plan!

"Clarke, we're under attack, we need your..." And just like that a sword came through his body. I couldn't hold myself from smiling. All this blood coming out of that stupid "guard". Priceless!

"Collins!" The blonde yelled and started running towards the man. I tried to stop her from fighting my warrior but it all happened too fast and before I knew it he made a cut on her perfect body. She lost her balance and I grabbed her before she fell. I had given an order and it was not followed. As I looked at the warrior behind me to memorize his face so I could punish him later, I felt a hit on my right temple. I was out in a second, but now before I heard Clarke whispering my name.


-Earth, present moment-

I woke up and demanded a meeting. I heard we killed some of they're guards but not all. And worst of all: Clarke got hurt!

"Who was the one that found me?" I asked softly. Quickly a tall and muscular guy raised his hand. "Come here." I ordered. He was walking proudly and I smiled. I put my hand on the handle of my dagger and as soon as he was an arm's length of me I made a cut on his chest. I didn't hold back so it was deep. He was surprised to say the least. "I ordered you all not to hurt the girl I was with. You desrespected that order! And the Gods are rooting for you because I wanted to behead you right now. But you'll be needed when the fight comes." I was yelling and then motioned him to go and see the healer. Then I motioned for everyone to leave.

"Well that was unnecessary..." I her the Queen's voice.

"I'm the foraster here... And for this to work I need them to respect me. This was just a small demonstration of what I could do to them." I almost yelled at her.

"Look how you speak to me! You're still my second!" She grabbed my arm and looked deeply into my eyes.

"I'm sorry my Queen."

"I'll become Commander and you'll have that girl." She said while turning around.

"One way or another" I whipered to myself.


What about that? Let me know what you think in the comments!

Thank you so so so much for the 10k reads! I never that would happen... Thank you from the bottom of heart!

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