Chapter 7

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Lexa POV

Earth, present day

"With me?" I ask feeling my anger grow with every second that went by. "Why would she be with me?"

Abby looked worried. I don't know if it was for me or her daughter. "She didn't want to come in after what happened there so we all assumed she was going to see you. Since you're so close." Sarcasm filles the last sentence and I lost all my control.

"Don't you dar to talk to me like that again!" I yelled. "I came here to see how you're people are doing. I did that without expecting anything and return and this is what I get? You treat Clarke like a child or a criminal. There's no in between and you are blaming me for that? Your daughter is a much better leader than you have ever been and the proof of that is that she's respected by her people and mine. She earns respect with knowledge and strength, not ignorance and judgement. That's why we became close, because she respected my people when none of you did!" Their so called leader looked at me in disbelief. But I wasn't done yet. "Our alliance is still standing. So let's just make a deal: until Clarke is back, we don't talk to eachother. I'll find her and I'll bring her back. If any of Skaicru wants to come with me, that is fine. But don't stand in my way! You're not worth my time..." And with that I turned around and left with my men not far behind. My anger got the best of me and my men were possibly looking at me as weak. But right now, I didn't care! The only thing that's important is to find the Sky Princess.

I got out of the metalic construction and I saw Lincoln, Octavia, Bellamy, Raven and three more men waiting for me. Theirs faces showed me they heard what I said to their leader.

"We want to go with you, Commander" Bellamy said. They all nodded at what he said. I'm glad Clarke has them! They're her true family. My anger was softened by the gesture and I nodded at them.

I ordered one of my men to walk so that Raven wouldn't hurt her bad leg. She thanked me and got comforable on the saddle.

They are all making me weak and my people are noticing it.

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