Chapter 12

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Lexa POV

-Earth, present day-

We left Tondc before the sunrise and all of Clarke's friends were right behind me. I felt someone come closer and Octavia came to my sight.

"We'll find her Heda... Hmm... Commander!" She shook her head and started to slow down her pace. She was different. Her eyes had a sparkle to them, one I've only seen my warriors have when we were about to fight.

"Octavia?" I made sure she was close and no one else was listening. "How are you feeling right now?" This took her by surprise and she stopped completely. I did the same and so did everyone else. She quickly understood what was happening and caught up with me and everyone started walking again. I could feel Bellamy's glare on me but I didn't really care. He doesn't scare me!

"I want to find Clarke! Just like you. I may not agree with what you both did in Tondc but she's still the reason why we're all alive and well. She is still the only person capable of leading us and doing what it takes to see us safe."

"Yes, you are right Octavia. She's is the only one who can do all pof those things and her heart shows no signs of weakness witch is strange for me to say." I admitted. I don't know why I did that but it didn't feel as bad as I thought it would.

"She is strong Commander. Stronger than anyone I know." she whispered.

"I agree." The rest of the way to what thay called 'dropship' was silent. We got there and I got in first just hoping I would finally see my Sky Princess. She wasn't there. There was blood on the floor and some bloody pieces of fabric. Was she hurt? And if she was, who did it? Oh... Wait, who was with her? If she was hurt, she couldn't have taken care of her own wounds, could she?

"Their tracks are fresh, they can't be far, Heda." one of my warriors warned me.

I went outside to the place where he saw the footprints and I realised we couldn't be more than 20 minutes apart. So I gave the order to start walking. I was focused on the ground to see if there was any blood and thankfully there was none. 'Clarke is strong' I thought. Octavia's words popped in my head: ' Stronger than anyone I know'. I knew that! The Sky Princess and whoever was with her were headed to Mount Weather and it meant she was still trying to figure everything out. Or maybe she's going to do something else. Memories of my mom jumping of a cliff floated my thoughts. I shook my head hopping those images would go away. And that's when Bellamy came to me.

"We're very close to finding her Commander. She's fine! Do not worry." He assured me and it felt really good.

"Thank you Bellamy of the Sky People. And thank you for helping my people. We couldn't do it without you." He looked surprised for a second.

"I get it now." I was confused and he continued. "I get why Clarke is so attached to you. You truly are someone special." I don't really know what that meant but I suppose it's good because he has this smile on his face. The rest of the way was silent. We got to the place where I las saw Clarke and the look on her face haunted my mind. I won't be able to erase that memory from my head as long as I'm alive but I know I'll do everything I can not to see that expression again.

When we were about to go inside the mountain my brain formed an image of Clarke: she was walking in my direction but she wasn't really looking at me. I could see a smile on her face and it made my heart melt. I haven't seen that smile for too long! And then she stopped and a blood stain started to show on her stomach. I opened my eyes and started running towards the room where I left my dagger. When I was on the stairs a loud bang made me stop for a second. I could hear every single footstep behind me and they all stopped when I did. I didn't care about them now. I knew my Sky Princess was in danger and I couldn't let her die. So I ran as fast as I could and when I was walking through the door to get to that 'floor' (as Clarke once called it) I heard a small cry. Then I turned the corner and there she was and someone else was kneeled in front of her with a gun in her or his hand. I got near that person and knocked them out. They would be punished! And at last my Sky Princess was right there in front of me. She smiled and then her eyes closed. I got to get her to a healer quick! But my healers are not very good with these wounds. Abby... Camp Jaha is too far away, someone needs to go there and go to Tondc before Clarke gets there. I look behind me and yell to my fastest soldier to get the woman who says in charge of the Sky People and take her to our town. Then I get Clarke in my arms and she stirs in pain. I hate this!

"You'll be okay Clarke of the Sky People!" I whispered to her. 'I hope'


Hey guys! :)
I just want to thank you for all the reads! I never believed I would get this many!
I would like to ask you to comment because I would really like to know your thoughts and I would love if you could help me out with something: I've got the story planned out but I would like to know if you'd like me to write in a different POV. And if so, whose point of view would you like to know?

Thank you so much for everything! You are amazing! <3

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