Chapter 2

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Clark POV


The Ark, a year and 4 months ago

This last two months were great! Alyson and I have been spending a lot of time together. We've got to know eachother and we became really close.
Right now I'm in her room laying on her bed, suported on my right elbow and staring at her while she studies another magic trick. She's beautiful! Her dark brown hair falls around her head like a frame. Her dark brown eyes are so expressive that you can read them like a book and they rarely show any signs of hate or disaproval. Her nose is straight and a little round at the end, her lips are reddish naturally which I find sexy as hell. And her body looks like a rollercoaster, with the right curves in all the right places just so it can give you the most excitment you can get. I've never looked at a girl this way but somehow I wasn't scared. Nervous? Definatly! But not scared. I've been freaking out about this thoughts since the day that I met her and it didn't feel right anymore. So I decided to accept them the best I could.

"What are you looking at beautiful?" This broke my trail of thoughts.

"You" I giggled lightly and she had this wide smile that made me have chills all over my body. She has this way of getting to me. And I don't really mind...

"Don't look for too long, you'll fall in love with what you see! And then I'll have no other option than to make you the happiest woman in space." She had amusement showing through her eyes.

I had to take my chance now. "So why don't you?" I looked down at the drawing I has making.

Alyson took the hint and joined me on the bed. This was not unnusual. We would lay on the same bed just talking for hours. That was when I started feeling the huge attraction for her. And now she's holding my hand and closing the space between or lips. We kissed sofly but I could feel the need that we both felt. I knew now that I cared about this girl a lot.

*End of Flashback*

Earth, Present day

I started to hear twigs break all around me and I wasn't moving. So that meant someone was carring me. But who? As I tried to open my eyes my head started to hurt like hell. So I decided to keep them closed. I could feel the sun on my skin and it distracted me from the pain. I must have fallen asleep becaus when I opened my eyes I was at the dropship. The first one... The place I called home not so long ago. I saw the table where I had to take a Grounder's blade out of Finn's chest and the emotions overwhelmed me. A single tear roled down my face and I quickly wiped it away. I couldn't allow myself to feel this right now. I can't deal with the magnitude of the amount of people that died because of me and my decisions.

I hear someone come in the dropship and my heart starts pounding. I want to get up but my head didn't allow me to do so. And she walked in... Alyson. She couldn't be real! She was floated when I was in my cell back in space.

"Whoa Clarke, don't try to get up! You have a mild concussion. Just lay down and rest." She said calmly while getting closer. She put a hand on my back for support and the only thing I could think about was Lexa and our kiss before we went to Mount Weather...

Before she betrayed me...


Sooooo, what do you think? Is it good? I'm just warming up :D

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