The Dragon Whisperer

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What's this you say? Emonass is writing a Harry Potter fanfic? When did they make that into an anime? Well the truth is they DIDN'T (though I wish they would it would be supermegafoxyawesomehot). The truth is I, Emonass Kaa Megumi am writing a fanfic that's NOT about anime *cue horrified gasps*. And so yeah, it's about Charlie Weasley cos isn't he just delicious? He's even more adorable then Bill and that's saying something! Umm.. I know the first chapter isn't great and it's a bit confusing but it's important and all that so... Yeah... :) enjoy!


The room was darkly light and the tall blond man surveyed the prisoner.

"I've heard you can predict the future" he snarled. "When the Dark Lord rises, you will be most useful Sybil Trawlawny"

The woman in the chair trembled. "What makes you think I will tell you anything?"

The man just smirked. He raised his wand and muttered an incantation. Trawlawny gasped and her eyes went out of focus. She began to murmur in a voice that wasn't hers.

"She is destined to kill a thousand servants of the dark lord, she is vital in your destruction. Like a dragon she fights: she has power over the dragons never seen before. She has ancient blood in her veins, and power so strong you stand no chance. She will destroy you" said the witch, her voice suddenly becoming harsh.

The tall blond man leaned foreward. "Where can I find this girl?"


"Honey, I'm home" called Kirril, kissing his wife on the head.

Anka Bakalov smiled down at the baby boy in her arms and turned to face her husband.

"How was work?"

He sighed. "Not fun. They say Voldemort's gone but Karkaroff's still making his trips to England" he said, fiddling with his scruffy black hair.

"It's ok" said Anka. "Katerina is in her room. She got one of those muggle colouring books!"

"I'll go see her then" he murmured, kissing her hair again.

He climbed the staircase to his 6 year old daughter's room. It was painted bright yellow with a small bed and a colouring table, which Katerina was sitting at.

"Hey daddy" she said. "I drewed you a dragon"

She'd coloured a picture of puff the magic dragon. Kiril smiled and put it in his pocket.

Downstairs Toma, Kiril and Anka's baby son, began to cry. Picking up Katerina, he swung her onto his back.

"Come on monkey, let's get you to momma"

"Dragon daddy, I'm a dragon" she told her father, and growled just to prove it.

"Ok sweetie" Kiril came down the stairs just as an owl flew through the open window.

"Oh good" said Anka, untying the small parcel. "It's the polyjuice potion I ordered"

Kiril frowned at her. "Since when do we use polyjuice potion?"

Anka glared at him, her eyes flicking to Katerina. "Since that... Thing... With cousin Sybil"

Kiril nodded with realisation and he too glanced nervously at Katerina. She was too busy to notice: she was staring intently at her drawing of the dragon. After a few moments, it popped out of the paper, a 2D scribble of a dragon was now walking around the kitchen. Anka sighed.

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