Chapter 22

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Wesley’s POV

I couldn’t sleep at all last night. How could I have been so stupid as to mess things up with Sammy? She was my everything, yet I was too stupid to see.

There was only one person I know who could help me in a situation like this. Though I’ll never be able to forget doing this, I picked up the phone and called the one person I know would understand and have a solution to what I should do. My mom.

It rang 4 times before she picked up.

“Wesley! Sweetie! How are you? I saw your show last week, you boys did amazing. I’m so proud of you! How’s Sammy? I haven’t talked to her in awhile!” My mom rambles on and on as soon as she picks up the phone. I love her to death but I don’t have time for her thousands of questions.

“Mom. I need your help.” I tell her before she can ask any more questions. I hear her sigh into the phone.

“She saw your interview didn’t she?” There is no hiding anything from my mother. She knows anything and everything.

“Yeah.” I told her what Demi had said to me that night and the phone conversation I had with Sammy the following day. Every once and awhile my mom would say ‘uh huh’ or ‘okay’ just to let me know she was still there and listening. “Mom. She hates me and I don’t know what to do.” I complain into the phone.

“Wesley. Every girl wants to feel special. They want to be able to say ‘he’s mine.’ When you said you were single, you took that away from her. You let the whole world think that you were available and that you didn’t have someone special in your heart at the time. From Sammy’s shoes, it looks like you’re embarrassed of her. I know you’re not, but that’s the way it looked. You should have felt proud saying that you were happily taken, but instead you made her feel worthless and said that you were ready to mingle. But the worst part out of all of this was you didn’t even give her a heads up. She found out from a mean girl at school. You should have at least warned her.” My mom lectured me through the phone. Thanks mom. You’re making me feel even worse now.

“I know mom. I feel like complete shit! Just how do I get her back?” I pleaded into the phone.

“Wesley, you need to go to her and try to work things out before it’s too late. I know for a fact that she loves you and if you explain to her the situation, you two might be okay. I really hope it works out. I like Sammy and I could tell how happy you made each other.”

“Do you think she’ll forgive me mom?” I ask her. I feel like I have given up on myself, but I still have a hint of hope in my voice.

“I don’t know Wesley. I really hope so. I have to go though. I love you Wesley. And if things are meant to be, they will a find a way to work out in the end.” She sounded like Drew right there.

“Bye Mom. Love you too. I’ll talk to you soon!” I say and hang up the phone. That wasn’t too helpful. But one thing did come out of the discussion with my mother. I need to see Sammy now. Before it’s too late and I lose her for good.

It was an hour drive to her house but I couldn’t care less. The whole time I couldn’t stop thinking about Sammy. What if I didn’t win her back? What if she doesn’t want to talk to me? I can’t lose her. She’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. Losing her would be like losing a piece of myself.

I pull up to her house and I stayed in my car for a little bit. What was I going to say to her? Was she even going to open the door? I really should have thought this through. I decided to do what I do best. I guess I’m going to wing it.

I walked up to her door and knocked 3 times. I heard chattering behind the door between 2 people. I could make one of them out as Sammy. I could tell her voice apart from a crowded room of 100 people. The other person though, I had no clue who it was. It was a male’s voice though. That much I could tell.

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