Chapter 7

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Sammy's POV

"Sooo... are you going to spill the beans or what?" Kate asks me. Ever since Wes's and my "date" she has been non stop bugging me about him.

"What are you talking about?" I ask kind of annoyed. I may like him a little bit but I could never tell her that. She would turn it into so much more than it really is.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." She says giving me the eye.

"Not really." Even though I kind of do.

"You and Wes dummy! Are you together now or what?"

"No! We're just friends. Plus, he doesn't like me like that." I say. We've only been hanging out for a week now and already I have developed some small feeling towards him. But Wes wouldn't feel the same about me. He doesn't feel that way about anyone. That's why he's never had an official girlfriend.

"Are you kidding me? Of course he likes you like that! It's so obvious!" She practically screams. Kate isn't always the brightest person, but when it comes to relationships, she has never been wrong when she says someone likes another person. I don't know if that scares me, or excites me.

"Not really. He's that way with every girl." I don't know if I'm trying to convince her or myself; but either way, I don't think either of us was buying it.

"He's different with you. I can see it." She says with a smirk.

I wouldn't mind dating Wes. He seems like such a sweetie. But that's probably what all the other girls thought too. If I gave him a chance and he just bailed, I'll just be another girl on his long list of dumped.

My phone buzzes and I see I have a text from Wes.

Wesley: Hey, want to go get some ice cream later? My treat.

Sammy: Yeah sure, and I can pay for my own thanks.

Wesley: No, I'm paying. I'll be over in 5.

Sammy: Fine :p

Wesley's POV

I knock on Sammy's front door and she opens up a few seconds later wearing a short skirt and loose top. She looked really nice. Her hair was down, and wavy. She looked so beautiful.

"Well don't you look nice." I said with a wink. She tilted her head down to hide her blush.

"C'mon. Lets go get that ice cream." She said and grabbed my hand.

We just walked to the ice cream shop because it was only a few blocks away.

Once we got in we ordered our ice cream and I paid for both of ours.

"So you ready for Mr. Miller's English final?" She asks me taking a bite of her ice cream.

"Not at all, but then again, I'm never ready." I say with a laugh.

"Of course you aren't." She laughs with me. No matter what we talk about, it always comes naturally. It's never awkward with her, and whenever it is silent, it is always comfortable silence.

Drew doesn't think she will fall for me though. We made a bet that I have until the end of the school year; so a little more than a month. I won't need that much time though. Seems as if I'm already halfway there. I don't know why I made this bet with him. There's no money involved; just bragging rights I guess. But I'm an idiot, and I make stupid bets for stupid reasons. I guess it doesn't matter though, because she'll never find out.

"Sam, can I ask you something?" I ask.

"You just did." She says with a laugh and I just look at her. She stops laughing and just nods her head, telling me to go ahead and ask my question.

"Why don't you have a boyfriend? Honestly." She seems taken back by this question. One second we are talking about school, and then the next I ask her about her relationship status.

"I don't know. Maybe it's because I haven't been asked out." She responds making it sound like the answer was obvious.

"Well how about if I ask you out right now?" I blurt out. Crap. Why did I just ask that? Whatever, what do I have to lose? I mean, you only die once. Right?

"I don't know if that's a really good idea Wesley." She says not looking me in the eye.

"Why not?" I ask her. I put my hand on top of hers on the table but she slowly pulls it away.

"I just don't think we would work out. I'm not like all the other girls you go out with." Of course she's not like the other girls, that's what I like about her.

"That's exactly why I want to try this Sammy. You're not like the other girls. I'm going to do something I have never done before and throw my feelings on the table and say I like you Sammy. As more than a friend. I know you feel something. I just know it. I know you think I'm just some player, and maybe I was, but I'm different with you." I say everything I'm feeling and just throw it out there. I want her to know that I'm not going to treat her like the other girls, because she's not like the other girls.

"Wes-" I cut her off.

"Before you say anything. Just think about it okay? I'm not lying when I say I like you Sam. You're different. You're not like any other girl I have ever met before. And I'm not just saying that. I mean it." I say as I get up and leave the shop. I don't look back at her, but I feel her gaze on the back of my head.

Sammy's POV

Wesley walks out of the shop and a million things are running through my head. Was Kate right? Does he seriously like me? I don't know if I'm ready for a relationship again but I want to try it with Wesley. I was going to tell him that too but he cut me off. I'm done listening to my head for once, and I'm going to listen to my heart.

Kate has never been wrong before. She's like a magical match maker. And if she says Wesley likes me... she can't be wrong. She never has before.

Sammy: You were right. I do have some feelings for you. Meet me at the beach at 7

I sent the text to Wesley and two thoughts popped into my mind. Either this could be a great thing and I could have a lot of fun. Or I could turn into those girls that I always felt sorry for.

Wesley: I'll be there :)

I just smiled at my phone as I walked back home. I guess I have to tell Kate what happened in the shop don't I? 

Hope you guys are enjoying the story! Please comment and give me any feedback!

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