Over and Over again (Wesley Stromberg Fanfic)

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My name is Sammy Evans. I am 17 years old and live next door to Keaton, Drew, and sadly Wesley. Some may call me crazy, but I can't stand Wesley Stromberg. He just goes around think he is 'all that'. Using all the girls and never seems to care as to who he hurts. Sometimes I think that he doesn't care about anyone but himself and his stupid band. I take that back, I know he doesn't care about anything else.

Anyways, I love photography. I have a whole wall in my room covered in pictures I have taken. It helps

me to relax. I like to skateboard and I surf sometimes. I'm not that good at it though. Surfing. I'm great at skateboarding. I'm honestly just a normal girl. Nothing special. What you see is waht you get.

I'm not one of those girls that put on a ton of makeup, or act dumb to get a guy. I just like being myself. And if anyone has a problem with that well.... that's their problem, not mine!

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