Chapter 18

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Sammy's POV

I was dreading school today. It was raining and it fit it with my mood. Crummy. I just got dressed in a coca cola sweatshirt, with yoga pants and my black uggs. I put my hair up in a messy bun and kept my glasses on. Is it bad that I already miss Wesley? They are auditioning today and I can't wait to see him. I don't know when that will be but hopefully soon because it hasn't even been 24 hours and I already miss him like crazy!

As soon as I walked through the doors I heard muffled whispers through the halls. Some people I could even see point at me. I heard my name along with Wesley's. I thought it was about us winning prom king and queen. But boy was I wrong.

I felt a body present and I looked to my right to see Kate with a huge grin on her face.

"What has got you so happy?" I ask her.

She motioned toward her neck and I saw she had a heart shaped diamond necklace on.

"Matt?" I asked already knowing the answer. She nodded her head happily and then her smile faded.

"Okay. What's wrong?" She asked eyeing me. I tried to hide it, but I guess she figured me out. Well of course she did. She's my best friend. Did I really expect her to believe everything was fine?

"What makes you think something is wrong?" I ask her. She tilts her head to the side and gives me a really? kind of face.

"Seriously? I've known you forever. I can tell when something is bothering you so spill it." She urged.

"Wesley is auditioning for the X Factor."

"That's so cool! Wait. Why is that a bad thing?"

"He left today." I said shakily. Her lips formed an 'o' shape and then she pulled me into a hug.

"Hun, it's all going to be okay, alright? You'll see him soon enough." She said comforting me. I pulled away from her embrace and eyed her necklace trying to get my mind off Wes. If that was even possible.

"So what was the occasion?" I asked her. She knew what I was talking about because her smile crept back onto her face and she blushed.

"One year anniversary." She said happily.

"What did you do for him?" I asked her.

"I spent the whole day playing Xbox with him. It was torture but he had fun. Then he took me out to dinner." She said.

"Wow. The whole day playing Xbox? And he didn't get annoyed at how much you suck?" I manage a small laugh at the end. Just picturing Kate trying to play Xbox makes me laugh. I knew how to play but she had no clue about anything. She couldn't even figure out how to turn the controller on when I tried to play with her. I gave up teaching her after that.

"No. He was super sweet about it. Did you know the button in the middle is to turn the controller on?" She asks me.

"Nooooooooooooooooo! Really???" I say overdramatically and super sarcastically. She just rolls her eyes and laughs at me. Of course I knew that and she knew I did too.

The bell rings and I'm off to my first class. Usually Wesley would be with me first period but I guess I'm alone for the day. Better get used to it Sammy because he'll be gone for the rest of the year.

"I heard they did it after prom and he dumped her." I heard some people saying in the hallway. I was walking toward my locker when one girl stepped in front of me blocking my path.

"Is it true?" She asked me. I think her name was Rachel.

"Is what true?" I asked. What was she talking about?

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