Chapter 15

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Wesley's POV

Sammy and I spent the rest of the night talking about how we were going to get Drew back. She had a few great ideas. Some of them were pure genius. Like one of them was filling up a balloon with pee and throwing it at him. Or get a girl to hit on him and then give him the rejection hotline number. I didn't want to take it too far so we decided on one that was embarrassing but not too mean. After all, it was an accident I guess, but he needed to learn his lesson.

"Let me go get changed and I'll be right over." Sammy says to me as we are walking back to her house. It's about 2 am and I'm pretty sure Drew and Keaton are sleeping right now. I walk inside the house and I can hear Drew snoring on the living room couch. Good thing he is a heavy sleeper... that makes this so much easier.

Wesley: He's sleeping... ;)

Sammy: Perfect. On my way now

Sam just walks through the front door and I walk over and see her wearing a black sweater that said 'nerd', plaid shorts, and flip flop slippers. She was wearing her glasses again, and her hair was in a messy ponytail. This girl always looks so perfect!

"Do you have the stuff?" I whisper to her and she nods her head and holds up a brown paper bag. "Perfect." I say and take the bag from her. We walk to Drew's bathroom and I hand her the container. She opens it up and cleans it out handing it back to me. I fill the now empty container with the substance from in the bag.

"This isn't too mean right?" She asks me with a look of guilt in her eyes.

"Not at all. He'll get over it. Your plan is genius." I say to reassure her. She just smiles and we leave the bathroom after finishing up the prank.

Sammy ends up crashing here and we both sleep in my bed. Nothing happened though. And I was fine with that. We honestly both just crashed as soon as we came in contact with my mattress. I'm woken up by hearing someone in the kitchen. I wake Sammy up but she has a little trouble.

"Sammy wake up." I whisper shaking her shoulder a little.

"Mmmmm.. I don't want to. 5 more minutes dad." She groans. Haha. She thinks I'm her dad. But seriously, I know she doesn't want to miss this.

"Sammy. Drew is awake. Get up!" I say in a normal voice and she shoots right out of bed. That woke her up haha.

"Crap. Lets go!" She says and hops out of bed, grabbing my hand and  running down the stairs.

Sammy's POV

As soon as Wesley mentioned Drew I shot right out of bed grabbing his hand and rushing down the stairs. I did NOT want to miss this. As soon as I took step into the kitchen Drew gave me a weird look but then it went away.

"What happened with you two last night?" Drew asks lifting one of his eyebrows. Seriously Drew?

"Nothing happened last night. I worked things out with Sammy last night after you fucked things up, and we ended up crashing in my room.... fully clothed." Wesley said making sure to inform him that nothing sexual had happened at all. He sounded pissed and Drew's face immediately dropped to an apologetic one.

"Look, I'm sorry about that Sammy. Wes never wanted to go along with the bet. I made him, so don't be mad at him about it. It's all me. I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry." He sounded really sincere when he said that and I started to feel really bad about what I had done but I guess it was too late now.

"I forgive you Drew, but just warning you... sometimes it takes more than just an 'I'm sorry' to fix things." I told him.

"I know. Look I'm going to go get ready and maybe we can all go get some froyo?" I nodded my head and when he left the room I turned around to look at Wesley smirking at me.

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