Chapter 21

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Wesley's POV

I was so nervous tonight. I couldn't focus on anything. My mind was all over the place. I couldn't stop thinking about what Demi had said. The fans won't love me unless I'm single... Then they aren't true fans then right?

"Dude. What's going on with you?" Drew whispered to me on stage. I guess it was obvious how out of it I was.

"Nothing. I'm just nervous about making it through." I lied. I didn't want to tell him about what Demi had said. I don't know why it was such a big deal but I just felt like even talking about it was cheating on Sammy. Well I would never cheat on her, that's a fact; but I feel like thinking about what Demi said is wrong. I should even be taking it in for consideration? Am I considering it? No. I can't. I can't leave Sammy just so my fan base grows. Not after all she has done for me, and how supportive she has been. I can't do that to her. I won't do that to her. But I can't let Drew and Keaton down either. Being a musician means making sacrifices. Especially when it comes to relationships. Is breaking up with Sammy one of the sacrifices I have to make?

"Then next group to go through is....EMBLEM3!" Mario says into the microphone. Keaton and Drew hug me and lift me out of my thoughts. Simon joins us and we leave the stage. Thank god we made it through. That's one less thing to worry about this week.

I look around for Sammy and in the meantime I feel a girl jump on my back. I know it's her so I pick her up and flip her in front of me. She squealed a little bit but then pecked my lips and congratulated me. I kept contemplating on whether or not I should tell her about what Demi said. Maybe she could help come up with a different solution. Would I tell her we can stay friends? Do I say that we can be in a secret relationship? Do we not care and keep our relationship public anyways? I don't want to worry her.

Graduation is coming up and I know she is stressing over that. She is valedictorian so she has to write a speech to say and I know she's been freaking out about it. Yes, I am dating a nerd. But a very hot and sexy nerd if I do say so myself. Me telling her that Demi says I need to be single would definitely be the cherry to the stress sundae. I can't do that to her.

Sammy's POV

Wes has been acting weird since they made it through to next week. I congratulated him and he mumbled a thanks but just stared off into space. There was an after party after the show but he said he wasn't feeling good and he went home. I asked to come with him but he said no. I don't know what's going on with him. It's like he's avoiding me for some reason. But I don't know why.

The next day at school I heard people whispering about me. Like last time though, it was Rachel who had the nerves to confront the rumors to my face.

"Told you Wes would dump your sorry ass soon enough. But don't feel too bad. It was bound to happen sooner or later. I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did." She said very rudely to me. What the hell was she talking about. Wes and I never broke up. They thought the same thing when he left to audition for the X Factor. They thought he left so he didn't have to be around me anymore. People are ridiculous.

"Wesley and I are still together. Just because you're jealous he doesn't want you, doesn't give you the right to start rumors." I spat at her. People are so childish. 3 more days of school. Then it's out of this hell hole and into the real world where people don't act 5.

"Aww sweetie! You are too cute!" She said in the bitchiest way possible. "Check out their X Factor interview from last night. Maybe then you can finally come to the realization that you're EX boyfriend is no longer dating you." She said and taped my nose with her pointer finger. What the hell was she talking about? What X Factor interview? Is this why he was acting so strange last night? Was he going to break up with me, but just could find the words to say it in person?

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