Chapter 2

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Sammy's POV
I was getting ready for my 'date' with Wesley. I was just going to wear jeans with a tshirt but Kate won't let me. She wanted to plan my whole outfit, and me not caring... I let her. I should have know though that she would have picked this. She wanted me to look hot for Wesley. I wasn't going to argue, knowing she would end up winning anyways in the end.

It was 5:58 and I was now just waiting for Wesley to show up. If he doesn't does that mean I won't get my phone back? I better, I mean I was ready and just because- DING DONG. He's here.

I hear Kate giggle and I tell her to stay in my room until I come home.

"If you come home." She says winking at me and then going back up to my room. I just roll my eyes at her. Not only am I not that kind of girl, but it is Wesley Stromberg. Is she forgetting I hate him?! The doorbel goes off again and I walk over to answer it.

"Very impatient are we?" I snap as I open the door. His jaw dropped and I just rolled my eyes. He was wearing a plaid shirt with khakis. He was holding flowers in his hand. White roses. My favorite! How did he know I loved white roses?
"These are for you." Wesley says giving me the flowers and snapping himself back into reality. I take them and put them into a vase in the kitchen and then walk back outside to Wesley.

"So where are we going?" I ask him walking to his car not waiting for him.

"Just out to dinner then maybe a walk on the beach." He responds jogging up to me and opening my side of the car door before I could. I just get in and ignore his gesture withought a 'thank you.'

We drive in silence to the restraunt, well except for some music playing. I just kind of stared out the window, getting lost in the beauty of nature.

"We're here. I hear Wes tell me forcing me to wake up from my peaceful daydream and back into this nightmare.

"You know, you could at least pretend you don't hate me." He whispers into my ear as we reach the door to the restraunt.

"Oh I'm sorry. You're used to everybody drooling over you aren't you?" I spat at him.

"You're not getting your phone back with that attidude." he says softly as he walks in. I just watch him walk in. Why do I hate him so much? I mean he has never really done anything to me... But he has a reputation. He uses girls, breaks their heart, and doesn't seem phased by it at all. I'm not going to let myself be another pawn in his game. I know better than that.

We get a table by the window, sectioned off from the rest of the place. It's a small little restraunt. It's kind of cute. And it's quiet too.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask taking him off guard. This is the first time I have tried to make conversation with him.

"Shoot." He says, curious as to what I want to ask him.

"Why did you want to take me out on a 'date'?" I really did want to know this. Was it just to piss me off?

I don't know. I want to get to know you Sammy. We're neighbors, yet I know nothing about you." He says. He actually sounds sincere. Don't fall for it though Sammy. He has been with plenty of girls to know how to get them to fall for him. You won't.

"I try to keep it that way." I say looking away from him and out the window.

"Why?" He asks me. He reaches across the table and grabs my hand in his. I look down at our hands and I pull mine away. I can see him frown at me doing this but I don't care. I'm not his game.

"Because I know you Wesley. I know how you treat girls like trash and I can't stand it. I hate that you 'like' them until you get what you want and then leave them. You treat girls like toys. You play with it until it's no fun anymore and then you go on to the next one." His face looks confused. "Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about Wesley. We both know you do."

"Apparently you don't know me too well then." He says calmly.

"I know you just well enough." I say coldly

"Prove it. What's my favorite color? Movie? Song? When is my birthday? What is my brothers name? Who is my best friend?"

"I don't know, December 6, Keaton, and Drew." I respond. I only knew half the answers, but those were personal. I knew the basics of his life.

"You only got half right." He says matter of factly.

"I'm aware of that."

"So maybe you don't know me as well as you think you do." He says with a smirk.

"So? It's not like we are dating. I don't need to know everything about you." I say as our food comes.

"Not yet. But you never know."

"WHAT!?" I whisper yell almost choking on my food.
"You heard me. I can make you fall for me Sammy. That is if you haven't already." He says with a wink.

"I can promise you I haven't and that I never will."

"Don't make promises you can't keep Sammy."

"I don't." I say harshly.

"You know what? Let's skip the beach. It's getting late."

Wesley pays for the bill and we head out. The drive home is the same as the drive there. Silence except for the music. We pull into my driveway and I put out my hand for my phone.

"Can I help you?" He asks confused to why my hand is out.

"My phone?" I remind him. I mean the whole reason I was on this date was to get it back.

"Oh yeah. But I mean it's not a date without a goodnight kiss." He says smirking.

"Fine Wesley. Here's your kiss." I kiss my hand and then place it on to his lips. He just shakes his head no at me.

"That doesn't count." He says.

"Too bad. Now give me my phone." I say again and he puts it in my hand.

I open my door to get out when Wesley's hand stops me.

"You know this isn't over right?" He asks me. What is he talking about? He said we didn't have to go to the beach, meaning the date is over after dinner.

"What isn't over?"

"Us. You're going to fall for me Sammy. If it's the last thing I do." He says releasing my arm.

"Well then it may just be the last thing you do." I say as I close the door and walk into my house.

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