Chapter Three

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The following day came far too early, as Kit knew it would. She was scrambling out of the house in a hurry. Her wet, red hair dripped down her blue scrubs as she drove in. She dabbed herself dry as best she could and twisted her hair into a braid. She hurried to the house and let herself in as Andre had directed her.

"Morning, Kit," Andre greeted her with a cup of coffee as she walked in.

"Oh, thank you," she said gratefully, heading to the kitchen to get breakfast started.

"I left you some money for groceries," Andre said, following her. "I'll be home all day. I have some work to do. But I'll be in the study, right off the living room here."

"Sure. That sounds great. Your father needs real food." Kit scolded.

"My mother and my brother were the cooks in the family. Father and I never really knew what to do in a kitchen," Andre explained.

"Your brother cooks?" Kit found herself surprised at that.

"Yeah, he was damn good at it, too," Andre frowned. "I'm sorry about the way he treated you yesterday."

Kit shrugged, "he thinks your dad is paying me or something."

"What," Andre asked, raising an eyebrow.

"He called me drunk last night." Kit explained as she started getting some oatmeal ready for Leo.

"Oh I'm sorry, Kit," Andre looked worried. "I'll call him and tell him to leave you alone."

"No, don't." Kit said quickly, "It's a good sign. It means he was upset, and he tried to drink it away. But obviously, he couldn't because he ended up calling me."

"He told you he thinks the father is paying you?" Andre asked.

"He seemed insistent on it," She nodded as she prepared the tray for Leonardo. "You have no idea why he would think that?"

"No," Andre frowned. "Did you think he's going to come?"

"I don't know," Kit said honestly, "but I think he's thinking about it."

Andre frowned, and a conflicted look crossed his face.

"It's okay to hope he comes, you know," Kit said softly before heading upstairs with Leonardo's breakfast.

"Good morning, Kit." Leonardo greeted her with a small smile.

"Good morning," she smiled. "You look well today."

"I feel okay today," he nodded. "Maybe I don't need my pain pills?"

Kit opened the shades letting the morning sun filter into the room. Much better it was so dark and dreary in here yesterday.

"I think your pain will come back if you skip the pain pills," Kit said gently.

She set his tray down for him and got his medicines ready.

His face faltered. "I can handle it until I'm in pain. I'll take the pills when I need them."

"Well," Kit said slowly as she brought his water and medicine over, "If that's what you decide to do, that's fine. I'll go put these away. But, when the pain creeps up again, it will take longer for the medicine to stop it. If you take the pills on schedule, you're in control and not the cancer."

"That's true," He murmured.


"Okay, help me with my medicine." He relented.

Kit smiled slightly; she helped him take the pills and then sat with him as he ate breakfast.

"The sun feels good," he noted as he pushed his tray away. Kit noticed he only ate half of the oatmeal.

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