Chapter Twenty Three

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Andre got up to stretch his legs and headed over toward Leonardo. His dad looked so happy as he stared out at the dock. The sun was adding a touch of much-needed color to his cheeks.

"It's been a good day, Andre," Leonardo smiled at him as he came over.

"It has," Andre agreed, "are you thirsty or hungry?"

"I'm fine," Leonardo waived off his concerns, "stop fretting over me so much."

"For today, I'll try, Father," Andre agreed with a smile.

"Loosen up, son," Leonardo glanced at him. "Just call me dad."

"I .. but-"

You make me feel like I'm a priest or something," the old man chuckled. "Relax a little; your peppy girlfriend will appreciate that."

"Okay, Dad," Andre thought it sounded odd, but he was right. He needed to loosen up. He watched Carly as she smugly added another fish to the bucket. She said something to Luca, who commented back something that resulted in a loud laugh from Kit. Carly shook her head as she stood up and left the two on the dock alone.

She headed over toward Andre and Leonardo with a cheerful smile. "Having fun, Leo?" She asked.

"A blast!" He smiled easily.

"Do you want to drop a line in?" Andre asked.

"When Luca and I go alone, I will," he had a misty look on his face as he looks at the dock. Andre followed his gaze to Kit and Luca, who were sitting together at the end of the dock talking.

"I think we won by far," Carly commented. "Neither of them is paying much attention to their poles."

Kit giggled again then, and Luca put his arm around her; she, in turn, rested her head on his shoulder. He leaned down and kissed her head.

"Carly, let's just tell them they won," Andre looked up at her and caught her eye.

"Yeah, okay," she glanced at the couple on the dock, a flicker of worry in her eyes.

"She'll be okay," he assured her.

"I don't want to see her hurt again," Carly said softly.

"Luca isn't the man he pretends to be," Leonardo said wisely, "He's just hidden his real self behind his bravado all these years. She's good for him and bringing him back to the man he would have been had I not screwed it up for him."

"What?" Andre questioned, and Carly raised an eyebrow.

"Holy crap!" Kit yelled suddenly, and the group stopped talking to look over. She stood up and struggled with a giant fish. Luca stood up to help her reel it in. Leonardo clapped his hands excitedly and wheeled up to the dock to get a closer look.

"It's amazing! What a catch, Kit!" Leonardo exclaimed in a loud booming voice as a proud Kit held it up for him.

"He's good for her too," Andre told Carly. "Look at how he makes her laugh. When did she ever laugh like that?"

"I honestly don't know," Carly admitted. "I'm still worried; this new Luca is so.. new."

"You don't know some of the things I know," Andre said. "He's always taking care of her, Carly. It's like she's always on his mind, and I know something about that."

She giggled a little at that and nudged him, "Yeah, me too, but I need some details; what do you mean he takes care of her? Like how he got her the groceries?"

"Yes, or how he taught her to make the omelet."

"I could argue that was for your dad," she pointed out.

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