Chapter Nineteen

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The Donato house was cleaner than ever, as Kit had to keep herself busy. She'd felt anxious since that morning when Luca was acting so weird. She had a bad feeling, and it wasn't going away.

She had started putting together dinner when she heard the front door opening. She looked up to see Carly walking in.

"Is Andre here yet?" She asked as she stepped into the kitchen.

"No, did he say they were on their way?" Kit asked as she gave the contents in the pan a quick stir.

"Just Andre," Carly squeezed her shoulder as she looked over it. "What 'cha making?"

"A hamburger and rice hot dish," Kit explained. "Why just Andre?"

"Luca and Leo are going to the lake to talk."

"Oh," Kit's eyes misted up at that.

"Don't cry!" Carly pulled her away from the stove and peered into her eyes. "This is exactly what you wanted!"

"I know it is," Kit said with a trembling lip. "it's just, it feels like, if he's taking him to the lake, it's definitely a goodbye."

"It was always a goodbye," Carly said gently. "He's been very clear that he's leaving."

"I know, but I hoped"- Kit stopped and shook her head, "Never mind."

"You hoped he'd stay," Carly said with a sigh. "Sweetie, I told you not to get-"

"I know, Carly," Kit snapped, and the blonde flinched at her harsh tone.

"Sorry," Kit mumbled, and she blew out a breath. "I've been on edge all day."

"I shouldn't have encouraged the weekend," Carly muttered.

"It was going to happen regardless," Kit said and then sighed again.

"You don't get it. Something changed after or maybe during the weekend we were together. Last night it was so obvious; he made me dinner, bought us groceries, we cuddled on the couch all night, and watched not one but two Hallmark movies. Or one and a half...I fell asleep on him... and he carried me to bed! A guy doesn't do stuff like this for a casual hookup."

"He did all that?" Carly's eyes widened.

"But this morning, he was weird," Kit continued. "He wasn't his usual cocky, smoldering self. He hardly even looked at me."

"I'm sure he had a ton on his mind."

"I know, but I felt. I feel like he's backing out. We got too close, and now he's going to run away."

"Kit," Carly took her hands and clasped them. "Maybe it's for the best. I don't want to see you hurt again."

"He's not like Kyle."

"He's not that different, Kit," Carly shot back, "he's a-"

"Don't," Kit stopped her. "He's nothing like Kyle. He's cocky as hell, sure. He's an ass sometimes, yeah. But he's not someone that jerks girls around to hurt them."

Andre walked in and then interrupted the tense moment.

"Everything okay?" He asked, seemingly sensing the mood in the house.

"Yeah, it's fine," Kit looked at Carly with a soft look as she said that, letting her know she wasn't mad at her. She understood her best friend was watching out for her, but she didn't know Luca like Kit did or was starting to.

"How did it go, hon?" Carly asked as Andre joined them in the kitchen.

"It was a strange meeting," Andre said, "but I think they got everything sorted out."

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