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Ten years later

Luca Donato was dreaming about rolling around with a certain redhead on a private beach, and just as things started to get sexy, a bold lick across his cheek woke him up.

"Mm, Cricket," he murmured as he turned to face his wife, but as he opened his eyes, he found himself face to face with a sixty-pound golden retriever instead.

"Lucky," he grumbled as the puppy began licking his face.

He turned to face the other way only to find himself facing a foot topped off with purple nail polish on her little toes.

He sat up to check the clock and could hear Kit in the kitchen. Leo's had been busy all summer, they were down a chef and Luca had been working hard. Kit insisted he relax and sleep in while they were on vacation.

He decided to do just that when the dog plopped down on his pillow.

"You little shit." He glared at the notorious spot stealer, who wagged his tail and settled himself in.

He took a moment to look at the two girls on either side of the bed.

Lissa, the girl attached to the foot, was their youngest and was sprawled upside down on the bed. They named her Elisabeth to honor Luca's mom; she was the perfect combination of the two of them. She had Luca's intense blue eyes and his devious smirk, but Kit's features and her wavy red hair. She'd just turned six, and was a tiny little thing with a huge personality.

Their oldest who was nine already, was on the other side of the bed, curled up on Kit's pillow. She was a sweetheart and a world-famous blanket stealer, she had them all draped over her. Leondra was named after Leonardo, but they called her Loni for short. Apart from her hair which was brown hair a shade lighter than Luca's, she was Kit's twin, down to the doe-like brown eyes and pout Luca couldn't say no to.

That pout was why his pillow was being slobbered to death; there was no point in going back to sleep. He started to stand up and banged his head on the ceiling.

"Ouch!" He rubbed his head, feeling sheepish. "Darn camper."

The family's annual fishing trip had evolved into a yearly camping trip. They bought a new camper this year, and he was still getting used to it.

Luca opened the door to the bedroom loft and closed it behind him, taking the two steps down to the main floor. "I thought the girls loved their bunk beds?" He commented as he made his way down.

"They did. Until it was time to sleep in them." Kit was busy finishing up some pancakes. She turned on the oven to keep them warm.

As she leaned over and slid the pancakes into the oven he eyed her perfect butt, she knew and stuck it out further for him. She was as gorgeous as ever, with her healthy summer glow. She'd recently cut her wavy red hair just above her shoulders to reveal her neck, which was begging for him to kiss it; he came up behind her and did just that as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Morning, baby." He said in a husky tone. "The girls are sleeping."

"They could wake up," she protested but didn't move.

"They won't." He started pressing soft kisses down her neck.

She groaned and turned to face him; her cheeks were deliciously flushed.

"We can be quiet. Well, I can," he teased as he drew closer to her, their bodies pressing together.

"We're at a campsite with your brother and my dad," she reminded him, even as a soft giggle escaped her throat.

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