Chapter Twenty One

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Luca went up quietly to check in on his dad while Kit walked the nurse out. She said he had slept the entire time, thankfully. Clearly, his dad had not shared his 'feeling' with Andre; if he had, there was no way Andre would have left. He found Leonardo sleeping soundly and carefully crept back out of his room.

I don't think I have much time left, son... the words kept running through his head on a loop. What did that mean? Months? Weeks? Not days, right?

When he walked back downstairs, Kit was standing near the kitchen island, and her eyes met him as he stepped closer, "what is it, Luca?"

"He's fine," Luca said, "he's sleeping."

"You're not fine," she said with a knowing look.

"No," he agreed, "I'm not."

She pulled his hand gently. "Come sit with me." She led him to the couch and sat next to him, his hand still clasped in hers.

"He told me he thinks he doesn't have much time left."

"Oh, Luca," she gasped, pain flashing through her eyes too. "I'm so sorry."

"It hit me hard. I keep hearing them."

She crawled into his lap, and he breathed in the scent of her hair and felt her warmth. What an idiot he was, running from the one thing that made any of this bearable. He encircled his arms around her waist and pulled her closer.

"He surprised me," he mumbled. "I knew he'd apologize, but I didn't think it would be... it was genuine. He didn't try and make excuses, but he told me about some stuff from his side."

"You were good to hear him out," she told him.

"I did feel like he meant it when he said he was sorry; I mean shit, he's my dad. I don't want him to die with just bitter feelings."

"He doesn't have to now." She was running her hand over his cheek; her voice, her touch, everything about her was soothing him at that moment, and after days of being on edge, it was everything.

"I just want to forget for a while, Kit Kat."

"Then let's forget for a while," she claimed his lips as she maneuvered herself so she was straddling his lap. Her tongue danced with his as she ground her hips down on his.

His dick hardened instantly. Two days were too long to go without her. His body needed her as much as he needed air and water. He pressed his lips against her neck, and she dipped her head back and moaned. He started sucking harder on the soft skin of her neck. Her little noises only encouraged him to keep going. He left a decent size mark on her, which made him even harder.

"Mine," he said in a low voice as he ran his tongue across it.

"Oh, fuck Luca." She started to grind down against his erection. He tugged at her shirt, and she held up her arms, letting him pull it off her. "Not one of these," he whined at the big sports bra she had under her shirt.

"If you don't like it, take it off."

"Glady," he grabbed the front closure and ripped it off her.

"I didn't say rip it!" she exclaimed.

"You didn't say not to, and your nipples tell me they loved it."

He followed that up by flicking his tongue over one of her pert nipples. Her back arched in response; he did the same to the other and then bit down gently on it. She started pulling at his shirt, and he obliged her, ripping it over his head as he met her lips again in another heated kiss.

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