Chapter Nine

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Kit sat in her car in the Donato's driveway for quite some time, feeling anxious. Carly's words and the recent memories of Luca's body so close to hers were circling through her head like sharks.

"She's wrong. It's not happening," she promised her empty car as she started it up. It choked and sputtered, almost sounding; like laughter as the old engine finally chugged to life.

"Even you?" she groaned out loud.

She started thinking of various ways to get out of the bet as she dove home. When she got there and saw Luca's car in her driveway, she knew that wasn't happening.

She let out an anxious breath and stepped out of the car.

"Luca?" She called out as she stepped in. She didn't see him, but she saw Jase playing a video game on the couch.

"I think he's in your room," he said, "I thought I heard him up there when I got home."

"You didn't check?"

"No," he continued to focus on his game.

"Seriously?" She asked, but his attention was focused on the television. "Some guy is in my room, and you just sit here and play video games?"

"Hey, whatever you do is your thing." He mumbled as he continued to play. "Bout time you get a life."

"I have a life!" She ignored the useless lump and brushed past him.

She stormed up the stairs and into her room, where she found Luca lying casually on her bed, thumbing through his phone.

"Finally," he looked up with a grin, "Hey, Kit Kat."

"What are you doing?"

"Waiting for you."

"In my room?"

"I saved us time." He flashed a cocky grin as he sat up. "Packed you a bag already."

"You went through my things!?"

"Oh, don't get all mad," he scoffed as he stood up and walked closer to her. "Or do; it is kind of hot."

"Move, Luca." She pushed past him into her room; her bag was sitting on top of her dresser; she opened it to check it; she'd probably laugh if she weren't fuming.

"There are no clothes in here!"

"Sure there is," he said with a boyish grin.

"It's all bras and panties and bikinis," she said as she rummaged through it.

"I packed a few dresses," he countered.

She laughed as she pulled out the "dresses" from the bottom of the bag. "This one is a slip," she held up a silky little black number.

"Yeah, so?"

"It goes under a dress." She shoved it back in her drawer.

"Why?" He looked confused. "Isn't one dress enough?"

"It's just what you do with some dresses. This one, " she said as she pulled the skin-tight little red glittery dress out next. "Was my Halloween costume from last year."

"What'd you go as, a hot chick in a sexy dress?"

"No, Jessica rabbit," she blushed when his eyes lit up.

"Bring it," he said.

"I'm not wearing a Halloween costume in June."

"It doesn't look like a costume. It's hot," he said. "Wear it to the casino tonight."

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