Chapter Thirty Three

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"Leo, you out here?" Kit called out as she opened the door; he was wheeling himself back to the house as she opened it.

"Early riser again, huh?" She commented as she moved to allow him space to wheel himself inside. He'd had a rough week to start; they assumed Saturday's big day on the lake wore him out. As the week carried on, however, so did his energy. He was up early nearly every morning enjoying the rose garden and was more out and about in the house.

"It's a beautiful day," Leonardo commented in response. "The rest of those roses should bloom any day now."

"Any more look like they'll be pink?"

"Nope." He smiled at that. "Just the one."

"Are the other nurses here yet?" Leonardo asked as he wheeled himself to the table, where she had his omelet and pills set out.

"They're upstairs," Kit confirmed.

Andre and Luca had set the room next to Leonardo's as a makeshift lounge so they could sit and relax while on standby. They always kept one nurse on with Kit during the day, one in the evening with Andre or Luca when they took over, and two more that stayed on overnights. Leonardo had been surprisingly very gracious and kind about the hired help.

Today though, Leonardo had insisted that all four of them go to the annual carnival Carly's mom was hosting. Even though they argued that it went on all weekend and they could go in shifts, he refused to accept it and demanded he get to see photos of all of them having fun.

They compromised by telling him they'd go earlier in the day and be back in time for dinner.

"We got it figured out," Andre said as he exited the office with Luca.

"Jase will have access to the money as a trust fund when he reaches the age of twenty-five," Andre continued as he made his way to the table.

"If he wants or needs funds before that, he needs both Stone's and my signatures," Luca added. "And yes, I'll talk to you first."

"Okay," Kit said as she nodded. "I'm okay with this, but what if he changes his mind about college?"

"Baby, he's not changing his mind," Luca said as he breezed into the kitchen to refill his coffee cup.

"He might.." she chewed her lip. "What if I found some things he could study that would interest him?"

"I don't think you can go to college for video games, Kit," Andre pointed out.

Leonardo looked up from his plate. "I think you can, now. It's called like video game design or something like that."

"There! That's it! I'll let him know about that!"

"Let it go, let it go," Luca sang out dramatically, and she couldn't help but laugh.

"Fine." Kit slumped down in her chair. "Letting it go."

"Got any more Disney songs you want to serenade us with this morning?" Andre teased Luca as he sat down.

"Andre!" Leonardo spoke loud and firmly, grabbing all their attention; Andre's eyes were wide and stunned.

Leonardo paused for a moment and then spoke up. "Don't make fun of your brother. He has a very nice singing voice. Luca, will you do Beauty and the Beast next?"

"Did you just make a joke, Dad?" Luca scoffed as he sat down.

Leonardo's eyes crinkled with amusement as he chuckled, and they all joined in soon.


An hour later, they met with Carly on Main Street, which had been redecorated as a carnival. Stand after stand lined the streets, along with several food trucks, and the park had a handful of carnival rides set up. They'd parked Luca's car at the bar, where they met Jase and Jess and walked from there.

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