When He Develops Feelings For You

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He always talked about you when you weren't around, to his parents, brother, anyone really.  But who could blame Gumball? (Y/N) was just so amazing and funny! It was time for dinner, and everyone sat down,  beginning to eat their meal. It was during this time that Gumball would gush over her and tell stories about their adventures. Gumball went on and on about how (Y/N) she was amazing at art, and how it was her dream to become an artist one day.

"Jeez Gumball, all you talk about is (Y/N), it's like you two are dating." Anias said, mouth full of potatoes. Gumball's smile faltered. (Y/N) would never have a crush on Gumball, she was too caught up in her art and gaming skills. "What? No, she's just a friend Anias." He reassured. Looking around the table, everyone raised an eyebrow at him, as if saying 'Of course she is Gumball,' which made him groan.

"Alright, but if you two get together, I called it." Anais said, with a huge, cocky smirk on her face. Gumball frowned. He never really thought of (Y/N) that way. But now that he thought about her glowing (Color) eyes, and her silky (Color) hair, whenever she laughed it would send his stomach tied in knots, and under her gaze, it would make him into a blushing mess. Maybe he did like her, but he couldn't could he? He'll just ask (Y/N) at his house when they're busy playing video games.

It was quiet at the table for a few minutes, before Gumball chirped, "OH YEAH! There was also this one time (Y/N) and I. . ." 


He liked you the first day you met, he just adored your shy self, and whenever you blush, he would find your face so adorable. Darwin wanted to be your boyfriend, but he would so awkward about it, and scared of being rejected. If he did tell you, and if (Y/N) said no, it destroy their friendship, and he would go insane without your company. So, he decided to bottle up, even if it was a bad idea.


Tobias liked you. A lot. At first, he thought he was sick, and took medicine to cure it, but it never really worked. He figured out he liked you when you two were at a local bakery, and your face was full of frosting, and he blushed madly, thinking you looked super adorable with frosting all over your face.

-flashback i suppose-

You and Tobias sat in a booth, enjoying your cupcakes, until he looked at you, with a huge blush plastered on his face. "Umm, Tobias," (Y/N) mumbled, frosting in her mouth, "Are you ok?" Tobias laughed nervously, and nodded, looking down. They look so adorable, Tobias thought. "Nothing. I-it's just. . . You have frosting all over y-your face." He stuttered, scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh!" They giggled, and wiped it off of their face, unaware of Tobias blushing crazy. I like them, he thought, More than my looks.


Oh fuck, Leslie thought, This is just nice. I like them. So much. The two of you were on Skype, (WOW AGAIN SO MUCH ORGINIAL) talking about nothing in particular. "Uhm, Leslie? Are you alright?" They asked, worried. Leslie look back at the screen, and blushed. "Y-yes. I'm fine," He wiped his eyes, and saw in the corner he was blushing, so he tried his best to hide it, "L-listen (Y/N), I g-gotta go, so see you later, yeah?" (Y/N) nodded sadly, and waved goodbye, ending the call. 

"I like her so much," Leslie muttered, looking at his window, "And there's nothing I can do about it."

bleh, this chapter sucked. xD oh well, there's more to come. :D

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