YOU confess - Darwin

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been like a week?


oh well, enjoy ^-^

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You and Darwin had the 'lessons,' for about a few times. You decided to have it on Mondays, since the day already sucked anyways. Every time it would turn kind of awkward and honestly, why wouldn't it? You weren't even together, so it made sense. You hoped Gumball didn't know, but you kinda felt that Darwin told everything to his brother.

"Mom, I going to go see Banana Joe again! I have to go tutor him!" Darwin shouted, putting on his hoodie, ready to head out the door. Heading down the stairs he met up with Gumball, who was blocking the door.

"Darwin, Darwin, Darwin, Darwin," He tutted, "You've been leaving every Monday afterschool. It's beginning to get suspicious. I know 'tutoring Banana Joe' is a lie. He already has ten tutors, why would he need another one?" Darwin shrugged and tried to get past Gumball, but to no avail. "So... What are you doing every Monday? Meeting up with a friend? Doing drugs? What?" Darwin felt his face flush, and he stuttered.

"S-seeing (Your Name).." He looked down, and stared at his feet in such interest, noticing how bright green they were. Gumball gripped Darwin's chin lightly, and lifted it, making them look into each other's eyes. "Really? Cool! See I told you she liked you. Why lie to me about it?" Darwin chuckled, Gumball didn't know anything. And he planned to keep it that way.

"Yeah. We see each other weekly. Its' a couple's thing. Um.. See you later." Darwin muttered, hurrying out the door. 

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There was a knock on your door, and you sighed. You were sick of mom's drinking friends and dad's weekly fuck buddies. Opening it, you expected an alcoholic, or a sex addict, but instead you saw Darwin in his usual attire, and you felt your mood lifted. "Hey Darwin!" You smiled, and grabbed his hand, leading him up to your room. Closing your door, you sat on your (Favorite Color) bed, grabbing the remote. He quickly followed, plopping on the bed, making an annoying creak. "So... No lesson today?" Darwin asked, sadness laced in his voice. You felt heat rush to your face. Honestly you weren't surprised, you always seemed to blush during these so-called lessons. "We can't today," You said, half not paying attention, as you were surfing channels, "I feel sick." Darwin mumbled an understanding, and the two of you sat on the bed, your backs against the wall, watching (Favorite Show) on Cartoon Network.

You kept coughing, and it felt like you were trying to eject up your lungs. Darwin felt so bad for you, he hated seeing you sniffling, coughing, and groaning. So, he put an arm around you, and you snuggled against his chest, relaxed. You wanted to fall asleep, as you felt your eyelids become heavy. But you didn't want to leave Darwin bored. You decided to converse in a conversation, even if it was meaningless talk. "Darwin?" You asked, looking up at him. You never realised how gorgeous Darwin's eyes were. They were full of light, and the green reminded you of nature. 

His eyes are so pretty. Just like him.

You saw his face heat up, and he laughed nervously. It was a cute, nervous, quiet laugh. "Did I just think out loud?" You asked, ready to face palm. It would always happen in moments like this. Where it would be nice and peaceful, relaxing. Until you decided to mess it up. That's all you were good at. Messing things up. "K-kinda.." He said, looking at his hands, nervous. You sighed. In your head of course. You would have to tell sooner or later. If not, he would figure it out. Well, he might. Darwin was quite oblivious.

"Hey Darwin," You whispered, you would need his full attention. He looked away from the tv, his attention on you. He had a lopsided smile, and you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach. 

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