Someone Gets Jealous - Darwin

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oh god im so nervous about this chatper. who would be jealous, darwinssch sweetipoo who would be mean ahhhhhh

enjoy buckos

Today was picture day, oh how you disliked picture day. Another reason for girls to be at each other's throats, looking down upon what they wore. Looking in the mirror, you put your hair in a bun, wearing a white crop top, and a black skirt that went just lower than your thigh. You were sure that it didn't look too appealing, or that it showed too much skin. Grabbing your back pack, you put on your black denim jacket, racing out the door, ignoring the slurs from your mother, or the constant noise of the bed shaking. You knew your brother was in his room asleep, so you ran to the bus, getting on. You hoped nothing bad would happen today. Nothing at all. 

.     .     .

Rushing to your locker, you shoved your backpack into your locker, taking off your jacket, hanging up in your locker. Out of nowhere, you felt a pair of arms wrap around you, surprising you, until you noticed they were an orange sweater. "Hey Darwin," You said, turning around, smiling at him. He smiled back, his hood falling back, and you could see his bad hood hair. (is that even a thing) "Are you going to wear that for the shoot?"

"What? Of course not! Gumball's mom packed me a suit, so I'll change later." He laughed, pulling away from the hug. You raised an eyebrow, a suit?

"Wow, a suit, huh? Someone's fancy." You teased, making Darwin color a little. 

"Whaa? Psssh, nah."

"Darwin, that's a good thing." 

"Oh, then yes I am! Super fancy!" He chimed, his eyes sparkling when he saw you laughing. You enjoyed having Darwin around, and so did he. Little did you know, there was a certain someone watching you, a glare on their face.

.        .        .


After the bell signifying for lunch, everyone raced out of the doors, eager to eat. Running into the lunch room, you got in line, not really wanting to eat. Why would the school plan the pictures after lunch? How weird. Grabbing your tray with the mysterious goo of the day, you sat down at a table, waiting for a friend to sit down with you. Within minutes, Gumball and Darwin sat next to you. Gumball sat in front of you, and you sat next to Darwin. Gumball was wearing his normal clothes, and he looked bummed out. "What wrong Gumball?"

"Oh, he forgot to bring his clothes for Picture Day." Darwin said, smirking ever so slightly. You laughed a little, making Gumball huff.

"They were in the wash, and the bus was ready to leave. Darwin was the one who made me leave, without my clothes! It's all his fault!" Gumball defended himself. 

"Yeah, blame the innocent, Gumball," Darwin said, rolling his eyes playfully.

"But you weren't-"

"Gumball, Darwin is innocent." You reasoned, making Gumball all the more frustrated.

"Not personality wise! I mean-"

"We're just joking." 

"Oh." Gumball said, dumbfounded. You laughed, along with Darwin. "Well, Darwin, aren't you going to change?"

"Oh yeah! Be right back!" Watching him take off out of the cafeteria, you and Gumball conversed, laughing like hyenas. 

"That's why Darwin always wears a hoodie."

"Because his gills are really sensitive?" You managed to say, laughing between words. Glancing at the time, you shot up, grabbing your tray. You stopped laughing, and Gumball did too. "Its time for the pictures!" You exclaimed, rushing to put your tray away.

Running out of the cafeteria away, you ran into Carrie, making you stumbled backwards, almost falling to the ground, but Carrie grabbed your wrist in time. Pulling you back up, she apologized, you forgiving her. Smirking, you noticed she was hiding something behind her back. "Oh yeah?"

"Well, sure, it was an accident-"

"Well then, you won't mind me doing this-" Taking her hand behind her back, she poured orange juice onto your white top, making you shiver and gasp. "Oops." She laughed serenely, before leaning into your face. "Back off from Darwin, and this will be the last time I will do something like this." Leaning back, she clapped her hands together, a gross smile on her face. "Unless you want me to make your life a living Hell! Then the pleasure will be all mine~!" Shoving you away, she walked away, leaving you cold and angry. It wasn't your fault. 

Sighing, you sulked to you locker, wondering what to do. You couldn't wear you jacket, it didn't zip nor would it cover the orange stain. "This is great. Just peachy." You groaned, leaning your head on the cold locker. You left ear moved, hearing two people walking in your direction, talking nonstop. "Gumball and Darwin, wonderful." 

"[Your Name], what are you doing here? You're supposed to be in the line for pictures." Darwin asked, walking towards you.

"I cant." You muttered, feeling down. Facing him, Darwin and Gumball noticed the orange stain on your crop top. Gumball burst out laughing, Darwin glaring at him.

"That looks terrible! Hah, what did you do, give an orange a blow job?" Darwin gasped, and elbowed him in the stomach, earning a groan from Gumball.

"Don't say vulgar things like that!" Returning his attention to you, Darwin looked worried. "Do you have any back up clothes?"


"You're screwed dude." Gumball chuckled, earning a glare from Darwin. Gumball stopped chuckling, looking in another direction. Looking at your crop top, Darwin suddenly grinned, an idea popping in his head. Running to his locker, he pulled out his gold fish sweater, shoving it in your chest. "Here, wear this! Its cute on you, and it makes your eyes pop out!"

"Along with your boobs-" This time, Darwin punched Gumball in the stomach, anger in his eyes.

"Stop talking." Grinning, Gumball nodded. Looking back at you, Darwin watched you put on the sweater, grinning at the result. You couldn't see the stain, (obviously) and you looked adorable. 

"See? Look at my adorable girlfriend!" Flustered at his comment, you laughed. 

"Wait, who did this?" Gumball asked.

"...Carrie." You admitted, not looking at neither of them. 

"On purpose?" Darwin asks, a sad look in his eyes. He really hoped she didn't, as they were good friends. Perhaps it was accident, he hoped--

"Kind of." You mutter, shifting your eyes from the lockers to the boys.

"So basically on purpose?" Gumball asks, tapping his chin in thought. Throughout the friendship Carrie, Darwin, and Gumball had, he supposed Carrie might've caught feelings for the half fish boy. It would make sense. He was adorable.




"Well, that doesn't matter right now! Right now it matters that you take the picture. Let's go!" Racing towards the classroom where pictures were being taken, you realized that today wasn't really ruined, despite Carrie. And that's alright, you thought.


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